Tell Us Now: Your First Fictional Character Crush

We've all got that one character that got us curious.
Tell Us Now: Your First Fictional Character Crush

Where were you when you got your first pop culture crush? Were you watching DBZ and admiring Goku's muscles a bit more than usual, or were you wondering how unfair it was that a beautiful woman like Blanche Devereaux couldn't find a second chance at love when you were right there on the other side of the screen? We asked Cracked fans on Facebook which pop culture characters they had crushes on, and here are a few we wanted to share:

TELL US NOW. WHO WAS YOUR FIRST POP CULTURE CRUSH? WESLEY CRUSHER. Carla K. watched a lot of TNG when she was younger. She wishes Picard, Riker, or ev
Carla K.
TELL US NOW. WHO WAS YOUR FIRST POP CULTURE CRUSH? JOHN TRAVOLTA AS MICHAEL. The 5th grade version of Melissa B. was way into Michael. Particularly th
Melissa B.
TELL US NOW. WHO WAS YOUR FIRST POP CULTURE CRUSH? TOM CRUISE IN Locktaild COCKTAIL. When Nichole A. was young, she had the ar soundtrack to Cocktail
Nichole A.
TELL US NOW. WHO WAS YOUR FIRST POP CULTURE CRUSH? DAVID FROM LOST BOYS. Something about the bloodthirsty vampire did it for Mary S. But to be fair, m
Mary S.
TELL US NOW. WHO WAS YOUR FIRST POP CULTURE CRUSH? TUXEDO MASK. It wasn't till Tanya B. was 20 that she got her first pop culture crush, but she did i
Tanya B.
TELL US NOW. WHO WAS YOUR FIRST POP CULTURE CRUSH? SHAWN MICHAELS. Glittery chaps, chains, and a mullet were all it took for Ashley L. to fall in love
Ashley L.
TELL US NOW. WHO WAS YOUR FIRST POP CULTURE CRUSH? THE YELLOW RANGER. Like many 90s kids, Trini the Yellow Power Ranger was what did it for TJ R. He
TELL US NOW. WHO WAS YOUR FIRST POP CULTURE CRUSH? BUMBLEBEE THE TRANSFORMER Melodee S. was certain that she and Bumblebee were going to run off toget
Melodee S.
TELL US NOW. WHO WAS YOUR FIRST POP CULTURE CRUSH? DAVID BOWIE IN LABYRINTH. Bowie's unbridled sexual energy was too much for a young Brandy S. and ma
Brandy S.
TELL US NOW. WHO WAS YOUR FIRST POP CULTURE CRUSH? THE TIGER beat Hanson HANSON BROTHERS. Maddi H. came out to her family as liking boys and girls whe
Maddi H.
TELL US NOW. WHO WAS YOUR FIRST POP CULTURE CRUSH? LT. CMDR. DATA. Margreta F. tried to play it cool, but she was all about Data. It firmly cemented
Margreta F.
TELL US NOW. WHO WAS YOUR FIRST POP CULTURE CRUSH? LOLA BUNNY. Space Jam did more than show Michael Jordan as an acting powerhouse, it also gave Scott
Scott A.
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