15 Bizarre Brand Name Blunders

If done correctly, marketing can be rewarding and fascinating. Before a product is launched in another country, though, language, as well as cultural issues, must be ironed out. It doesn't always occur, and now and then, someone makes a spectacularly terrible gaffe that people will talk about for decades. Automobile manufacturers have been truly stupid in this regard. However, these gaffes don’t always happen when converting English into other dialects. It can also work the other way around.
Assume you're a business. Isn't it true that you wish to grow? This entails attempting to sell your goods in other countries. So you gather a team of specialists to examine the cultural implications of your branding and product and devise a well-thought-out plan.
Unless you're one of these companies, in which case you apparently just wing it with google translate and a 6 pack of Monster energy drinks.
Continue reading to learn about the world's worst brand name blunders.
