Pop Culture Which Nailed It Without Even Trying

Hard work, practice, patience... Those are all nice things, but occasionally laziness and dumb luck will do just as well. Part of the magic of making art is embracing these happy accidents, reaping all the rewards, and then chuckle and chuckle about it later. Just ask the creators of these pop culture staples. They all knocked it out of the park when they weren't even swinging for the ball. No, really, they were trying to swat a fly who had been annoying everyone all day long, and they ended up hitting a walk-off home run.
Now, we're not saying you should go ahead and publish your first draft. Really, get some readers you trust, revise, revise, revise, and pray. Or who know knows? Maybe we're the idiots. It's not like any of our typo-ridden drafts have made it past the slush pile. But then again, publishing their first drafts totally worked for these people, so who's to say.

The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford

Galaxy Quest
