13 Weird Workarounds Behind The Magic Of Fav Games

Turns out video games also use duct tape solutions.
13 Weird Workarounds Behind The Magic Of Fav Games

Video game developers work tirelessly to make sure your favorite games run smoothly. However, sometimes they run out of the time and/or money it takes to make something work, and they have to get creative by coming up with some weird, but kinda brilliant, workarounds. Like...

EVERYTHING IN ZELDA: A LINK BETWEEN WORLDS IS TILTED BACK. What the game looks like from top-down. What the game looks like from a different angle. Th
13 Weird Workarounds Behind The Magic Of Fav Games

Super Mario 64

13 Weird Workarounds Behind The Magic Of Fav Games
13 Weird Workarounds Behind The Magic Of Fav Games
13 Weird Workarounds Behind The Magic Of Fav Games
13 Weird Workarounds Behind The Magic Of Fav Games

Fallout: New Vegas

YOUR FALLOUT: NEW VEGAS CHARACTER WATCHES CUTSCENES IN A ROOM. Whenever a cutscene plays, your character is teleported in front of a screen that plays
13 Weird Workarounds Behind The Magic Of Fav Games
13 Weird Workarounds Behind The Magic Of Fav Games
13 Weird Workarounds Behind The Magic Of Fav Games
13 Weird Workarounds Behind The Magic Of Fav Games
SKYRIM CLEVERLY REUSES ASSETS. If you glitch into the game's underworld hellscape, you'll find that some tables are just shelves clipped through the g
FALLOUT 3 TURNS THE PLAYER INTO A TRAIN. Since it would be too complicated to create a functioning train system, the developers decided to turn the tr
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