14 Weirdo Places Movie/TV Props Ended Up

How many times have you been able to identify the times we recognize the location, city, or nation where the actors are while looking at the screen? It's a lot easier if they're near well-known landmarks, famous structures, or monuments.
Here, we'll look at 14 of its most unusual, impactful, crucial, and unforgettable movie ending moments, shot in truly bizarre settings. It's not only on the Warner Bros. lot, or just about any entertainment firm lot but all around the world. Film producers in Asia, America, and Europe often go to great lengths to uncover and represent the genuineness that they seek to record in the movie. We'll also show at least one film, as well as a scene from that film that was recorded in this same place.
Props are frequently put into storage by the studio, stolen by the crew, or destroyed when filming on a movie or a show is completed. However, now and then, a few props manage to sneak through the gaps and end up in some extremely bizarre and unexpected locations. Scroll on down for some surprising examples.
It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia

Loch Ness Monster

You can strip this one down and sell it for parts

