27 Cringey Moments In Otherwise Fine Films
“They can't all be gems.” -Somebody We Forget - And with that we prove the veracity of the quote, thanks. But boy is it true. Anybody who has done anything for any stretch of time knows there are just some days where it's not happening or a thing you go to the wall for just doesn't work out.
And that is for sure true in movies and television. Some films aim for greatness and achieve it. Others are made just for disposable entertainment, yet they stay with you through the years, like a piece of TP stuck to your shoe (just substitute your shoe for your memory and TP for awesomeness).
But whether a movie was intended to be good or got there by accident -- we're here to ruin them all for you. Because even the best movies have a bit that makes you go, "What kind of hack did this?" Here we're laser-focusing on that part to show you that the difference between gold and trash is smaller than you think.