Movie Moments That Everyone Forgets Broke New Ground

Cinematic firsts that caught on, in a big way.
Movie Moments That Everyone Forgets Broke New Ground

Ever wondered about the first-ever movie to use post-credit scenes? Or who really started the cat video trend? Hey, remember The Cable Guy? If all of these questions tickle your fancy, then this list is for you! If not, at least we've given you some suggestions on movies to watch that most definitely include cinematic firsts.

You're welcome.

Movie Moments That Everyone Forgets Broke New Ground
Joker is the first $1 billion R-rated movie in history. With a $62.5 million budget, it's the most profitable comic book film to date. CRACKED COM
The first -credits footage slapped onto our screens was in a James Bond spoof in 1966. The silencers Was the first movie to show a scene after the end
Movie Moments That Everyone Forgets Broke New Ground
casper was the first ever CGI lead character in a feature film. F lt beat Toy Story by six months.
Movie Moments That Everyone Forgets Broke New Ground
oh Brother, Where Art Thou? was the first live action feature to be entirely and digitally color corrected. The film was shot in the green of summer,
Movie Moments That Everyone Forgets Broke New Ground

The Cabbage Fairy

The first narrative film wasn't The Great Train Robbery (1903) as many people might think. It was The cabbage Fairy released in 1896, written and dire
Movie Moments That Everyone Forgets Broke New Ground
Jim carrey was the first actor to get $20 million for a role. BOm6a8 It was for his 1996 mixed-reviews movie, The Cable Guy. CRACKED.COM


Movie Moments That Everyone Forgets Broke New Ground
The first narrative feature film wasn't The Birth of a Nation. It was The Story of the Kelly Gang from Australia. The 1906 film caused controversy as

The Silence of the Lambs

The Silence Of the Lambs was the first movie to be released on home video before winning the Best Picture Oscar. It was also the first ever horror mov
A all-budget movie called The Possession Of Hannah Grace was the first Hollywood feature to be shot on a full-frame mirrorless consumer camera. The So
Movie Moments That Everyone Forgets Broke New Ground
My Big Fat Greek Wedding is the highest grossing romantic comedy to date. The 2002 film produced by Tom Hanks, Rita Wilson, and Gary Goetz cost only $


The first-ever film to hit $100 million at the box office was a little horror movie called Jaws. The famous shark film is widely considered to be the
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