16 Life Affirming Trivia Tidbits About Movies

Hollywood can be a horrible, soul-crushing place. News and social media feeds are chock-full of scandals. We're constantly hearing awful behind-the-scenes stories of sexual harassment, actors acting like egomaniacs, and generally hostile work environments. And that's for the successful people!
Thousands of wannabe, would-be, or are-but-need-a-break actors, musicians, comedians, and other artists travel to Los Angeles to chase their dream and toil, hoping that their dream doesn't age into a stagnant, hamster-wheelish nightmare. Show business can be rough for anyone involved. But there is some hope in the world of Tinsel Town.
Within that sea of negativity, there's bound to be at least something positive -- or at least that was our theory. Not everything is awful all of the time. There has to be some light at the end of the struggle tunnel. So we decided to find some behind-the-scenes stories that will warm your heart, instead of crushing it into despair:


James Gandolfini

Chris Pratt

His Mom