14 Amazing Details Hiding (In Plain Sight) In Movie Scenes

We all know that a lot of work goes into a movie, especially the on-camera details. Every scene and shot is plotted out with all the costumes, props, and lighting in place, down to the smallest detail. Yet there are some occasions when the “smallest detail” can be downright microscopic in scope.
What’s the point of creating a multi-page legitimate legal document that is a throwaway prop for a fantasy film? Or insisting on a certain color for a table when the film is shot in black and white? Or creating a real computer program to translate a fake alien language?
That type of commitment to the filmmaking craft can turn from being an admirable trait to downright insanity real quick. Especially if your hard work will only be on screen for mere seconds.
Here are 14 facts about some of the most ridiculous care and detail given to some of your favorite films that you probably never noticed.

This is a VERY important detail