14 Movie And TV Heroes That 'Use' Their Powers In Illogical Ways

Super powers are cool. They can run the gambit from shooting lasers out of one's hands to reading people's minds to being Squirrel Girl. Squirrel Girl is boss, just ask any squirrel.
So yeah, one expects those endowed with such fantastic skills and talents to know how to use them effectively, and not just sit on their hand lasers when using said hand lasers could easily fix whatever situation they're in. It’s simple logic: hand lasers plus using them equals problem solved.
Look, we get it. Fictional heroes are nothing but figments of some creative type's imagination, cooked up in the hallowed halls of their creative mind. Still, we assume there's an internal logic to their stories, and that they follow a carefully-crafted path and obey the laws of their own fictional universes. But half the time, those skills and powers are completely at odds with their own narratives. So scroll on for things like:

