Animals That (Eerily) Demonstrate Human-Like Behavior

Animals are like people. Or, are people like animals? TWIST.
Animals That (Eerily) Demonstrate Human-Like Behavior

Most people love animals, and not just for eating. And they love pointing out how much like people their own Mister Wigglebutt is. But it turns out that's not all that rare, in the animal kingdom.

A surprising number of animals habitually demonstrate almost human-like behavior, and even have eerily human qualities. And this is without dressing them up in homemade knitwear.

Cows have different accents, depending on which herd they belong to. CRACKED COM
Dogs dream like humans Like humans, they apparently perform waking activities (pointing at birds, chasing burglars, and so on) in their dreams. Scient


CRACKEDCON Some cats are allergic to humans. It's unusual, since people groom away most of their shed hair and skin. Ironically, cat allergies are usu
Male kangaroos like to strike poses and show ofl their biceps to attract emale roos. CRACKED.COM
Grown chimps adopt orphans. Some scientists say only humans give help without expecting anything in return. But chimps in the wild take in unrelated b
Elephants, like humans, are empathetic. Elephants can sense when other elephants are in distress and, in a similar way to humans, offer comfort throug
Pigeons can get superstitious. They will repeat an action that previously got them food even though the reward wasn't contingent on the action.


Dogs can be racist too! In a study from the University of Illinois Springfield, white caretakers reported their dogs displaying more positive behaviou
CRACKEDCON When playfighting, dolphins sort-of laugh, to signal everything is OK. There's a vocalization dolphins make during playfighting, but not

Dogs and Music

Like humans, dogs have their own music preferences. Research shows that most dogs prefer listening to reggae and soft rock than to pop or classical mu


A spectrographic analysis in an experiment revealed that wild parrots name their young. To nullify the possibility of the babies' signature calls (nam
Some ant species raid rival colonies, murder the adults and enslave their offspring. CRACKED.COM
Sheep can recognize human faces.. They're not as good as humans, but they can do it. In one study, eight sheep recognized four celebs Cincluding Barac
CRACKEDCO Dolphins mourn their dead seriously, hosting wakes that can last for days.


Veined octopuses have been observed carrying around coconut shells and using them as homes. The behavior of carrying around a form of shelter is not o
CRACKEDOON AIpacas pee and POoP At the same spot like humans in a publis bathroom. When someone cleans the communal dung piles, they wait in line unti
Pigeons can judge the quality of art. They need a brief introductory course from their trainers where they're shown examples of good and bad art. Once
So you thought humans were the only ones capable of building shrines. Chimpanzees in West Africa were discovered to toss rocks into tree cavities, cre

Rat Fetishes

Rats can develop sexual fetishes just like people. Researchers have been able to influence lab rats to be attracted to perfume and even rat lingerie
Pigeons have a gambling habit, just like humans. In a study, eight pigeons were given two options: a key that dispensed 3 pellets 100% of the time and
We are not the only creatures to use a pretty rock to seal the deal. Male penguins try to give their partners the smoothest pebble they can get, as a
Dolphins check themselves can out in the mirror! Self-recognition was once thought to be a uniquely human ability, but new reasearch shows that baby d
Japanese macaque monkeys flavor their foods and mount deers for transportation. Macaques add taste to their sweet potatoes by dipping them in saltwate
Dogs judge people, too. In a 2015 study, dogs were observed as they watched people refusing to help their owners open a container. Most of the dogs re


Calves need study buddies to learn faster. A study at the University of British Columbia found that calves housed in pairs were quicker at familiarizi


Horses have been known to self-harm. It's especially prevalent among stallions. CRACKED.COM


GRACKED CON WASPS ARE MASTERS OF GEOMETRY. When building a nest, they use antennae to measure wall angles, creating rows of perfect hexagons. Their tr
CRACKEDC COM Vampire bats have been shown displaying human-like levels of altruism. If a member of a colony is having trouble finding food in the wild
Wolves understand fairness, and take it seriously. In one experiment, wolves who pushed a button that gave them a terrible reward, but gave another wo
Chimps tickle one another for a laugh and sometimes laugh mockingly when their peers get clumsy. If any of that leads to a fight, they'll kiss and mak
Mantis shrimp have great poker faces In territorial disputes, mantis shrimp will actively bluff by trying to initiate fights, especially if they're we


Chimpanzees really enjoy eating cooked food. When given a straight choice of cooked Vs raw potatoes, chimps in a study picked cooked potatoes about 90
Rats make a face when they feel pain... ...and get hurt when they recognize the look of pain on each other's faces. Their facial expressions are SO cl
When not nursing, baby elephants seek comfort from sucking their trunks just like how human newborns suck their thumbs and pacifiers. Some adult eleph
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