26 Plot And Character Loose Ends Still Out There

More loose ends than the power strip under your desk.
26 Plot And Character Loose Ends Still Out There

You know how movies and shows like to incorporate a bunch of overlapping plots and characters, with no other purpose than to fill screen time? Then those characters and plots are never resolved, making them even more pointless.

These shows didn't leave plots and characters hanging because they were canceled. The writers had plenty of time to tie up those loose ends, but just ... didn't.

MADMEN CRACKED Salvatore Romano was the art director for Sterling Cooper ad agency, and a fairly prominent character for three seasons. Sal gets fired
In Game of Thrones, Meera Reed is one of Bran's trusted companions, and we watch them travel (on and off) until season 7, when she leaves Bran. What d
Jed Bartlet's staff thought highly enough of Mandy Hampton to pursue and hire her as the White House Media Director, a key role on the President's sen

The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air

On The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, Will and Lisa decide not to get married. Instead, Will's mom and Lisa's dad step up and say I do. What happens to Wi
In The Wizard of Oz, Dorothy runs away because her neighbor threatens to put down Toto for biting her. When they return from Oz, the incident is never
In That '70s Show, Donna had a younger sister. For exactly one episode. Tina Pinciotti popped up once, playing no major role in the episode Eric's Bu
What caused the outbreak in The Walking Dead? We don't know. In season one, the CDC told Rick's group that they didn't know what caused the outbreak,
CRACKED GO Almost anywhere Gaston went; from the streets to the pub; the Bimbettes were never too far behind. But they're not in the mob gathered outs
The Lion King has hyenas as Scar's minions. (And eventual devourers. The Lion King 2 has a pride of lions as Zira's minions; enemies of the Pridelands
On King of Queens, Carrie had a half- sister named Sara. She was gone after episode six. She was an aspiring actress, so the show could have said she
Community's Buzz Hickey was a major character in Season Five, but he was completely absent in the sixth and final seasaon. This stood out, because at
Multiple early episodes of Friends are devoted to Phoebe's search for her father. When they finally meet in the fifth season, she initially takes him
At the end of X-Men: Days of Future Past, Wolverine is rescued from the river by Stryker, who is revealed to be Mystique in disguise. The plot twist s
One of the driving stories of The Incredible Hulk was Bruce Banner and Betty Ross' struggle just to be together as a couple. From Banner's next appear
In Men In Black l, the two-headed alien Scrad is the first henchman the villain Serleena recruits. MEN ACK II After Scrad and his men are defeated by
Why did Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt drop the Reverend? Episode 3 of the final season was all about the Reverend (the guy who kept Kimmy in the bunker),
the office Sexy salesman Danny Cordray joins Dunder Mifflin Scranton and then vanishes after a couple of episodes and is never seen again.
What did the voice in the fire say to Varys? GAME OF HRONES Varys was mutilated in a magical ritual where his parts were tossed into a fire. A voice t
The MCU created a gut-wrenching connection between two fan favorites in Captain America: Civil War, by revealing that Bucky Barnes killed Tony Stark
What happened to Furio on The Sopranos? After he comes this close to killing Tony, Furio disappears back to Italy. Later, Tony says he'll kill him if
King of the Hill Bill Dauterive starts dating Kahn's mother, much to Kahn's horror. The relationship is mentioned in one subsequent episode, but then


Stephen Spreck was a recurring villain on COMMUNITY, starting in the second season. In season four, it is shown that he has a plan to destroy Greendal
After all the build-up, it's disappointing that we actually find never out what happens when the Gravity Falls wheel gets completed. The show hyped it
PIRATES of he CARIBBEAN THE CURSE OF THE BLACK PEARL ...introduced us to Anamaria, the first female buccaneer of the franchise. And she was a badass.
Seinfeld In The Chinese Woman, Kramer reveals that he wants to have children. At the end of the episode, it's heavily implied that his girlfriend is
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