18 Book Scenes Thankfully Left Out Of Movies

These stories weren't just trimmed for length.
18 Book Scenes Thankfully Left Out Of Movies

A tiny proportion of cinema is interested in the extraordinary, the abrasive, the touchy subject, and the disturbing. A new film that labels the audience, scorching their brain with truly memorable imagery as well as dissection of all the most startling  and peculiar human emotional impulses that may or may not have something else in common with more "sanitized" form of video game violence we find acceptable.

Do you know that type of person who always complains about how a movie or TV show left out crucial details? And they know all of this because (of course) they've read the book? We did some research and discovered that there is usually a good reason for leaving something out of the onscreen adaptation: It's extremely upsetting.

So, the next time someone raises their glasses, wrinkles their nose, and moans about something being left on the cutting room floor, remind them of the following:

THE FORREST GUMP MOVIE LEFT OUT FORREST'S MONSTER DONG AND CRAZY SEX LIFE. In the book, Forrest tells us that Jenny's eyes got big when she pulled dow

Jeff Spicoli

THE REAL JEFF SPICOLI WAS A TOTAL D**K. In the investigative novel Fast Times at Ridgemont High, Spicoli shows up in class one day waving a graphic ne
THE NOVEL A CLOCKWORK ORANGE HAS A SCENE OF ALEX RAPING PRETEEN GIRLS. When he gets two 10-year-old girls in his room, he makes them 'submit to the s
Rescuers THOE ORPHAN MURDERS WERE DROPPED FROM THE RESCUERS MOVIE. In the movie, the villain kidnaps Penny because she needs her to find a huge diamon
CHEAPER BY DOZEN THE THE CHEAPER BY THE DOZEN BOOK IS REALLY ABOUT NIGHTMARE PARENTING. In the 1948 autobiography that inspired the wacky 2003 Steve M
THE MAIN CHARACTER OF THE NOVEL UP IN THE AIR IS A NOBLE, TRAGIC FIGURE. In the movie, Ryan Bingham is a lonely consultant with a life that's all abou
STARDUST THE STARDUST NOVEL INCLUDES UNICORN MUTILATION SCENES. In the movie, a unicorn shows up to save Tristan and Yvaine from the witch Lamia, then
WWOZARE OF THE OZ BOOKS READ AS IF THEY WERE CREATED TO MAKE PETA MAD. The Wicked Witch sends 40 wolves after the Tin Man, and he cuts them down with


RAMBO 1 FIRST BLOOD 6oooon BOOK RAMBO KILLS DOGS IN COLD BLOOD. In the book First Blood, Rambo shoots a bunch of police dogs without thinking twice, a
JURASSIC PARK THE NOVEL JURASSIC PARK HAS A BABY-EATING SCENE. One night, a nurse finds a swarm of lizard-like mini-dinos crowding around a baby in a
the PURSUIT of HAPPYNESS THE PURSUIT OF HAPPVNESS IS A VERY VIOLENT BOOK. In the memoir, Chris Gardner talks about trying to kill his stepdad (who nea
ENATURAL THE NOVEL THE NATURAL IS THE TOTAL OPPOSITE OF THE MOVIE. In the movie, a star baseball player is offered a bribe to throw the match, but nob
THE STORY THAT INSPIRED NATIONAL LAMPOON'S VACATION IS ABOUT VIOLENT CRIME. In Vacation '58, the Griswolds go to Disneyland but find it closed, So Cla

Gone With the Wind

IN THE BOOK GONE WITH THE WIND, THE KKK ARE THE GOOD GUYS. In the movie, the guy who attacks Scarlett in Shantytown is white. In the novel, he's black
IN BAMBl, A LIFE IN THE WOODS, BAMBI SEES ENOUGH HORROR TO DEVELOP PTSD. He watches stuff like a squirrel running around with a bloody gash in its nec
RENTON rainsp THE NOVEL TRAINSPOTTING HAS SOME UPER-CREEPY GRIEVING WIDOW SEX. At Renton's brother's wake, Renton has sex with his very pregnant widow
IN THE NOVEL DIE HARD IS BASED ON, GRUBER AND HIS BUDDIES ARE THE GOOD GUYS. In Nothing Lasts Forever, Gruber is trying to steal secret documents, not

Thor: Ragnarok

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