17 Famous Pop Culture Things We Only Have Because Fans Complained

Sometimes making a stink has lasting consequences for pop culture.
17 Famous Pop Culture Things We Only Have Because Fans Complained

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The internet is packed with people complaining about pop culture, everyone knows that. What people might not know is that not only are creators listening, sometimes they take those complaints to heart and change a character, or a movie, or a show, specifically because of that complaint.

This is in no way intended as encouraging fans to complain.

CRACKED c COM Fans have been demanding a female Doctor for at least a decade. CE 2 BOX DOCTOR WHO In 2008, a group of women scientists even called for
When lan Fleming introduced James Bond for the first time, Bond carried a Beretta 418. When a fan complained the Beretta was a lady's gun with no re

Star Trek

OTAR TREK was saved by writing letters to the studio. Now Paramount's leading franchise, Star Trek was saved in its second season by thousands of fans
The Ninja Turtles were almost aliens in Michael Bay's 2014 movie, but were saved by fan complaints. Michael Bay told the world that in his new movie t

Final Fantasy XIV

Final Fantasy XIV was a disaster at launch. It contained problems which alienated fans and would have been a financial disaster for Square Enix. The s
CATS was changed due to the public backlash from the trailer. The complaints and ridicule that came after people saw the odd and uncanny original trai
The SPIKE welve grown to love from BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER was never meant to last or be likeable for that matter. Buffy the ampire Slauer According

Star Trek: Beyond

If you like Star TREk: Beyond, thank fan backlash. BEYOND 5TAR TREK Fans were unhappy that Star Trek: Into Darkness felt too much like a Star Wars-typ
CRACKEDCOR COM The only reason that Sense8 got its two hour finale was massive outcry from fans. Following the show's cancellation after Season 2, fan
We got an accurate version of Princess Tiana in Ralph Breaks The Internet thanks to fan outrage. Fans expressed their disapproval when the original fa
Fans are the only reason Alien: Covenant has, well, aliens. Ridley Scott was going to make a xenomorph-less follow-up to Prometheus, but he heard fans

Justice League

Justice League was totally changed because Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice was hated. A vocal minority didn't like that movie, Bvs director Zack
ORACKED OON One of the calling cards of 50 Cent's hit Starz show Power was its intro song: Big Rich Town by Joe. However, in the show's Season 6 deb
CRACKED.COM Early testers of Blizzard's OVERWATCH said the game's women all had the same body type (again). WORLD WARCRAFT So they turned Zarya into a
CRACKEDcO Disney PIXAR FINDING DORY The movie was originally going to end with the characters in a marine park. That was changed after backlash that s
CRACKED cO Ed Skrein was set to portray Major Ben Daimio, a character of Asian descent, in Hellboy (2019). When fans began accusing the studio of whit
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