25 Marketing Lies Somehow Still Seen

Advertisers can't lie to us, right? There are laws protecting consumers from flagrant hucksterism and baloney, right? Plus, why would they even do that? We watched all 100 seasons of Mad Men, and those dudes seemed like such standup gentlemen. Just princely, well-dressed guys who had an interesting way with words and could draw real good. Actually, we haven't re-watched since it came out, let's go see if we initially misread anything…
Whoah, boy, were we wrong. Jesus. Were we drinking and smoking heavily during that initial viewing? (Checks memory) OH BOY WERE WE. Whoops. Turns out that marketing people and advertisers are actually huge liars and greedy bastards. Not only do companies constantly get away with sneaky, misleading ads, but they find skeevy ways to deceive people with their packaging, too. Did you know that “no trans fat” legally means “actually kinda a little bit of trans fat?” All that, plus 24 more, here:

So Just Live in a Lab

Car Manufacturers

They’re More Brands Than Authors

Animals Were Harmed

I’m Gonna Keep Eating My Rocks and Weeds

Energy Drinks

Meat Ads

How Before-and-After Photos Are Made

Okay, So Start Drinking Glue?

Battery Life

Where Mountain Water Actually Comes From

Shoe Manufacturers