16 Movies That Owe Their Existence To Other Films

Turns out the movies themselves are breeding.
16 Movies That Owe Their Existence To Other Films

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Actors are well-known for inter-marrying and producing offspring. It's the Hollywood way. But as it turns out, movies themselves have a way of breeding, too. New movie ideas are hatched from the bowels of other movies all the time. And we're not just talking about sequels and spinoffs.

There are a ton of movies that owe their existence to other movies. Or at least a Father's Day card.

GREMLINS Director Joe Dante pored over Frank Capra's iconic It's A Wonderful Life and decided that It was the exact spirit he wanted for Gremlins; a h
A CRACKED OON MILLIIN WAYS WEST TO DIE IN THE Seth McFarlane was watching Hang Em High (1968) when he began joking to his writers about how depressing


Cube Chs tucker Tot 04 botwon South Central inspired Ice Cube 0 to write Friday because he didn't like the portrayal of the hood as violent and unsafe

Tropic Thunder

Ben Stiller got the idea for Tropic Thunder while he was working on Empire of the Sun. A number of his castmates were getting roles in war movies, and
Director Christopher Nolan wanted to create empathy inthe audience towards the plighto of the soldiers by focusing on visual storytelling and suspense
Will Smith got the idea for A FTER EARTH from the TV show I Shouldn't Be Alive. tiscOVERY SHOULDN'T CHANNEL BE AILL'Ve It was originally intended to b

Shaun of the Dead

16 Movies That Owe Their Existence To Other Films
Director Ari Aster was going through a horrible breakup when he was offered to direct Midsommar. So he modeled his latest folk horror after breakup mo
HEREDITARY Ari Aster cited the theme of family breakdown and emotional brutality in Ingmar Bergman's Scenes From A Marriage as one of the influences i

Um, cool... thanks, man.

Lloyd Braun, the former chairman of ABC Entertainment, got the idea for the show Lost after he watched the movie Cast Away. CAST AWAY
CRACKED.COM In 2010's Buried, Ryan Reynolds plays Paul Conroy, a US citizen working in Iraq who wakes up trapped in a coffin. The entire film takes pl
Christopher Nolan has said that Inception was very much inspired by the James Bond movies.
The RObocop writer got the idea by working his a*s off on the Blade Runner set. Edward Neumeier worked in the Blade Runner art department, making garb
T H E FAVOURITE Director Yorgos Lanthimos was inspired by the quick back and forth bickering between Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau in The Odd Couple
The Shape of Water came about because six-year-old Guillermo del Toro didn't like a movie's ending. At six, del Toro saw the 1954 monster movie Creatu
Joel Silver said tHat the Wachowskis had showed him the anime Ghost in the Shell to give him an idea of what they wanted to achieve with The Matrix. s
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