29 Intoxicating Facts About Booze

Pour these fascinating facts right down your throat
29 Intoxicating Facts About Booze

Adult beverages are an integral part of our society, and theres so much more to them than just alcohol content and Super Bowl commercials. Or at least that was our theory, when we went to our readers and asked them to dig up some fascinating facts about booze in all its forms. They didnt disappoint. Heres what they came up with…

CRACKETDOON Smitncs SYORE HE WORLD'S NOF SMIRNOFF NOFE When Smirnoff was bought by an American company in 1933, whiskey was at its prime and American
bubbles in Guinness The sink, rather than rise. Stout GUINNESS BREWED IN DUBLIN Researchers in Ireland speculate that it has to do with the shape of t
Every day, millions of people drink beer made from fermented bananas. H A HA obh c OVAA celecle Bottles of urwagwa It's a super-popular traditional dr
Beer spas exist. People soak themselves in warm beer. And while they bathe, they can help themselves to a nice cold brew. The idea is that the ingre
In 1960, Alfred Heineken had the idea for a beer bottle that could be recycled as a brick. He Was inspired by Heineken bottles littering a Caribbean b


The oldest recorded beer recipe is in a Sumerian song, The Hymn to Ninkasi, 14 originally found on a tablet from 1800 BCE. CRACKEDCON
Communion wine was the first drink consumed on the Moon's surface. Before the flight, Buzz Aldrin made arrangements with his pastor to bring a small a
beer 1 pivo svetly leta dugeiser Cucts Cudaoe uclig Coudoa's Z CRud 6 A BORIGINAL B OM B:ORIGIN4 -WP Czech h UDWEP JOWEISER BUDWEIS LEH3WOHHOE 215 A1
loaenes U-DEVN How does Peize siltiam OUETAERINCE a full-size fruit wind up inside the liquor? They hang bottles from the branches SO that the newly f
CRACKEDOON Beer attracts slugs. That's because beer smells like overripe fruit to slugs, thanks to its fermented yeast.
During Prohibition, bootleggers would try to mimic the tastes of different drinks with strange ingredients. Forinstance, to imitate bourbon, they woul
CRACKED Marking alcohol with XX was started by medieval, alcoholbrewing monks. XXX xxx By the 17th century the number of Xs would show how strong a be
After drinking alcohol and smoking pot, the amount of THC your body absorbs nearly doubles, and you are more likely to experience the effects sooner t
John Walker, the Scottish founder of Johnnie Walker whisky was, surprisingly, a teetotaler- meaning he didn't drink alcohol. WALKER OHNNIE LABEL BLACK
Dark liquors (red wine, whiskey) are more likely to give you a hangover. Congeners, a chemical commonly produced in your body after drinking liquors w


CRACKEDC COM Hennessy Hernewy Hennessey's largest customer used to be Kim Jong il who spent around $800,000 a year on his favorite brand Of cognac
CRACKEDCO Vervet monkeys like alcohol as much as we do. Studies have shown similar drinking patterns too, like juveniles drinking more than adults, an
The world's strongest beer, IF. VENO G! not S Do Tiis SHAN e sitting E>UR SHAK is too dense to hold carbonation.. EREWMEISTED ASRUNESTY Tipping the sc
MOUNTAIN DEW De WAS ORIGINALLY CREATED TO BE A MIXER FOR MOONSHINE. hne Named after a nickname for moonshine, brothers Ally and Barney Hartman crafted
Every drop of Jack Daniel's whiskey is produced in Lynchburg, Tennessee, a dry county where sales of alcohol are prohibited. DANIEL JACK NO.7 Termesse


Much like with champagne, the name tequila refers to the region where the spirit was made. ALTOS ALTOS P ALTOS ALTOS 8331/8 ELNIRS If an e-based dri
MILKSHAKE originally referred to an alcoholic, eggnog-like drink made from eggs and whiskey. The drink we know as today's milkshake became popular in
Alcohol is not digested. It goes directly to your bloodstream from your small intestines.
You can purchase Vodka that is made from rye grown in the surrounding soil and the water running underneath Geroby. TOMIK GRLAINSIRTT e CASOROH Atomi
During prohibition, Walgreens grew from 20 to 400 stores. Oalgreen Drugs able Calues grein'a lues Elauter Tinse- Q -noast Fmuicite Ycuirealutays (f QU
Bill Wilson, founder of Alcoholics Anonymous, wanted one last shot of whiskey on his deathbed. He never got it. CRACKEDC
Alcohol is considered a performance-enhancing drug in competitive shooting. Sesene The substance may relax the shooter and slow their heart rate, impr

Jack Daniels

The U.S Military HaS been the largest Jack Daniel's barrel buyer since its launch in 1998. UANIFIS O1d JACK NO.7Z N07 Oid NO.Z uessee SKEY Jernessee W
CRAGKEDOONN GIN & TONIC WAS INVENTED TO COMBAT MALARIA IN THE JUNGLES OF BRITISH INDIA. Soldiers were made to drink water mixed with quinine, which is


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