26 Weird Early Roles Your Favorite Actors Actually Played

They all had to start somewhere.
26 Weird Early Roles Your Favorite Actors Actually Played

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Everyone's got to start somewhere, even ridiculously successful actors. The difference is, while your early job chipping tots out of the deep freezer is lost to time, actors' early roles are on celluloid, for posterity.

So remember, for every blockbuster superstar role, there are dozens of moments like these hiding in megastars' past:

26 Weird Early Roles Your Favorite Actors Actually Played

Keanu Reeves

KEANU REEVES SKATED SMOOTHLY FROM HOCKEY TO ACTING. Keanu played hockey at school, SO it was only natural that one of his first roles was as a hockey
26 Weird Early Roles Your Favorite Actors Actually Played

Adam Savage

26 Weird Early Roles Your Favorite Actors Actually Played
26 Weird Early Roles Your Favorite Actors Actually Played

Morgan Freeman

26 Weird Early Roles Your Favorite Actors Actually Played

Bryan Cranston

BRYAN CRANSTON WAS JERRY SEINFELD'S DENTIST. Long before cooking meth in Breaking Bad, he was poking into Seinfeld's mouth as Dr. Tim Whatley. CRACKED
MAE CRACKED COM WHITMAN WAS PRESIDENT WHITMORE'S DAUGHTER, You have forgotten Ann Veal from Arrested Development. You probably also forgot she was Bil

Leonard Nimoy

LEONARD NIMOY WAS A MARTIAN? FASCINATING! 21-year-old Nimoy played the evil Martian invader Narab in the 1952 movie serial Zombies of the Stratosphere
ALANIS MORISETTE STARTED OUT ON NICKELODEON. Isn't it ironic that a tween Morisette appeared on a few episodes of the Nickelodeon show You Can't Do Th
LESLIE CRACKED.COM NIELSEN WAS A SERIOUS ACTOR ONCE. You remember him for his comedy, but for decades, Nielsen's work in movies such as The Poseidon A

Pee-wee’s Playhouse

CRACKEDC LAURENCE FISHBURNE WAS A COWBOY IN PEE-WEE'S PLAYHOUSE. Before entering the dream world of The Matrix, Fishburne played Cowboy Curtis in the
CRACKEDCOMT RICKY GERVAIS WAS A POP SINGER, Long before he created The Office or Extras, Gervais was one half of the New Wave duo Seona Dancing. They
CRACKED COM JACK NICHOLSON WAS ON THE ANDY GRIFFITH SHOW. The show was huge in the '60s, totaling 249 episodes-and Nicholson was in two of them.
TOBEY MAGUIRE WAS HITCHHIKING IN BAT COUNTRY. A few years before slinging webs and crawling on walls, he was picked up by Johnny Depp and Benicio del

The Godfather

SOFIA COPPOLA PLAYED TWO DIFFERENT CORLEONES. You probably know Coppola played Al Pacino's daughter in The Godfather Part Ill. You might not know she
JACK BLACK HAWKED VIDEO GAMES TO YOU WHEN HE WAS 13, Wearing pith helmets in video-game-related stuff seems to be a career path for him. 35 years befo

Mila Kunis

MILA KUNIS WAS ON BAYWATCH. Not as a lifeguard, though, as she was a preteen. She was on two episodes, playing different characters. CRACKED COM
CRACKED.COM RON PERLMAN WAS ALWAYS A MAKEUP BEAST. Sitting in a makeup chair for hours was already Perlman's thing when he had his big break as Vincen
SEAN CONNERY WAS A NUDE MODEL. In the early '50s, before his breakthrough, Connery posed for students at the Edinburgh College of Art.
CRACKED COM JAKE GYLLENHAAL PLAYED BILLY CRYSTAL'S SON. Gyllenhaal was a cowboy in Brokeback Mountain. Long before that, he was a (fake) cowboy's chil
CRACKED CO NICK OFFERMAN PLAYED A THUG WITH DELUSIONS OF ELOQUENCE. As opposed to the terse Ron Swanson, Offerman was the loquacious goon Burt Shlubb
CRACKED.COM KURT RUSSELL WORE A LOINCLOTH ON GILLIGAN'S ISLAND. In the Season 1 episode Gilligan Meets Jungle Boy, Gilligan, well, meets a jungle bo
The friendly, bird- nursing librarian from The Shawshank Redemption played the part of the President of the Assembly in Planet of the Apes. JAMES WHIT
26 Weird Early Roles Your Favorite Actors Actually Played
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