Celebrity Parenting Choices That Are Straight-Up Bonkers

Window-dangling is just the beginning.
Celebrity Parenting Choices That Are Straight-Up Bonkers

Most people probably think it'd be cool to have famous people for parents, excepting Joan Crawford's adopted children, of course. We weren't sure, so we asked our readers to look into it. As it turns out, it'd actually be very weird, and packed with utterly bizarre parenting choices. Given celebs often at best weirdo behavior and at worst unhinged we really should have seen these coming.

Choices like chewing up your kids' food and spitting it into their mouths like they're little birds. Breastfeeding kids past the age of three? Sharing a bed with them when they're eleven? And then it gets darker in a hurry - like plucking your daughter's unibrow in the middle of the night when she's asleep. And don't even get us started on Rod Stewart - oh boy - that one stinks and we really mean it. 

So yeah, if you're still envious of the lives celebrity kids lead, allow us to present the following:

Mayim Mialik

Mayim Bialik breastfed her son past the age of 3 years old. She thinks that children should have a say when it comes to deciding when to wean. CRACKED

Courtney Love

Courtney Love used heroin while she was three weeks pregnant with her daughter Frances. She defended herself by claiming that she didn't know she was
Madonna has many rules for her children. No candy, no television and if yout re under fifteen, no cellphones for you! But perhaps the WORSt part is th
When Alicia Silverstone's son was little, she would pre-chew his food and spit it into his mouth like a bird. She says the practice is natural, and
After former Teen-Mom Farrah Abraham noticed her three- year-old daughter was developing a unibrow, she felt bad for her, and when waxing didn't wor
When KIM KARDASHIAN was breastfeeding her son, Saint... K.K. would stick a milk carton and straw in her bra So that her very jealous older daughter, N
ORN Katherine Heigl puts her baby to sleep by blaring noise from her TV. CRACKED COM

Um, cool... thanks, man.

CRACKED CON TOBEY MAGUIRE TREATS HIS KIDS LIKE ADULTS Maguire joins other celebrity parents (Jamie Lee Curtis, Helen Hunt, and Hank Azaria, to name a
CRACKEDOON When Rod Stewart's daughters don't clean up after their dogs, he puts the poop under their car's seats.
Bethenny Frankel would often drink beer while she was nursing her daughter. As for her advice to other nursing moms, she says, Play your own game and
CRACKED.OON Tilda Swinton shared her bed with her twins when they were 11.
CRACKED COM Brad Pitt admitted that there were times when he had difficulty waking his children in the morning. His solution? Give each of his kids a
Gisele Bundchen practiced something called elimination communication with her children. She did not use diapers, but instead left her infant children
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