20 'Cool' Celebs Being Dorks

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20 'Cool' Celebs Being Dorks

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With celebrities, it's literally their job to be cool. The great thing is, it's literally impossible to be cool every second of every day. So we asked our readers to show us famous icons of cool having decidedly uncool moments. Because we're all about the schadenfreude, baby.

20 'Cool' Celebs Being Dorks
20 'Cool' Celebs Being Dorks
20 'Cool' Celebs Being Dorks
While doing voiceover for the documentary Strange Islands, Benedict Cumberbatch mispronounced the word penguins. Repeatedly. In his rendition, it so
20 'Cool' Celebs Being Dorks
20 'Cool' Celebs Being Dorks
20 'Cool' Celebs Being Dorks
20 'Cool' Celebs Being Dorks
20 'Cool' Celebs Being Dorks


20 'Cool' Celebs Being Dorks
20 'Cool' Celebs Being Dorks
A candid picture taken on the set of Blade Runner 2049 caught the aftermath of Harrison Ford accidentally punching Ryan Gosling in the face. The react
20 'Cool' Celebs Being Dorks
20 'Cool' Celebs Being Dorks
20 'Cool' Celebs Being Dorks
20 'Cool' Celebs Being Dorks

Liam Neeson

Liam Neeson CRACKED COM might have trouble holding it in, as he's been caught with wet pants on multiple occasions. gics WOONOH
20 'Cool' Celebs Being Dorks
20 'Cool' Celebs Being Dorks
20 'Cool' Celebs Being Dorks
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