These 47 Facts Will Make You A Walking History Channel
It’s time to bump up your ‘well, actually’ game.

Cracked pays people to make smart memes. Visit the Photoplasty and Pictofacts Workshop to get in on it.
As we enter into the new year, many of us do so with a renewed sense of self-improvement. And, like, literally every single list that tells you about success habits says learning new things makes you a better person. And look at that! We have something for you to read that'll teach you something!
Because we all know that the greatest way to display your intelligence is by showing off your insufferable collection of facts that the history books screwed up.
Happy New Year!

Trick or Treating

Walt Disney


Drug Cartels

Mount Rushmore

Earliest Pillows

Charles Dickens

Bonnie and Clyde


The Thinker