12 Movie And TV Questions (That Have Been Answered)

Hollywood loves a good mystery for their movies and TV shows. However, there are some instances where an omitted detail creates some controversy or a dangling thread is left in a story. The Internet is absolutely jam-packed with questions and plot holes that left fans hanging, with no recourse but to endlessly debate them online. Fan theory posts appear on Reddit. Video essayists appear and break it all down on YouTube. Fan fiction appears… well, everywhere.
But sometimes movie and show creators care so much about their work and their fans that they take the time to answer those burning questions, even after the move franchise ends or the television show is cancelled. Grateful fans are so satisfied that they step away from the Internet… only to get back on again to discuss how their idea was much, much better.
Here are some examples of when the most mysterious budding questions regarding TV and film were answered by the creators.