We Found These Killer Movie & TV Jokes So You Don’t Have To
Movies and shows are clever. Be prepared to be cleverer.

Cracked pays people to make smart memes. Visit the Photoplasty and Pictofacts Workshop to get in on it.
People love to complain about how movies don't try to appeal to the intelligent viewer, and that all their jokes are dumb, predictable crap written by dumb dummies. But it's not true. It's just that most of us -- and we're not pointing fingers -- aren't smart enough to notice when a film is trying to tickle our brain bone with startlingly smart references hidden in plain sight.
Things like ...
30 Rock

Gravity Falls

Mr. Garrison

It's pretty gunked up down there.


Silicon Valley

Studio 123

You’re Fired

Doctor Who

Um, cool... thanks, man.


Star Trek: Deep Space 9