12 Bizarre Ways Actors Landed Their Most-Famous Roles

Want a job in Hollywood? All it takes is randomness and insanity.
12 Bizarre Ways Actors Landed Their Most-Famous Roles

More often than not, strange is the latest craze, sometimes not, as evidenced by this ranking of the weirdest celebrities! These celebrities, such as Cardi B and Lady Gaga, may demonstrate themselves through mysterious art forms that are strange, bizarre, or just plain weird. Like Dennis Rodman, they may simply have an odd appearance. Whatever the case may be, these odd celebrities have everything: entertainment, scandal, and humor!

They advance their careers by doing bizarre things. But not everyone can make themselves rich and famous by clocking in at the old nine to five.

You probably believe actors get their most famous roles by attending fancy, high-powered breakfast and lunch and performing flawlessly in super-formal auditions. But Hollywood, it turns out, is just as insane and random as the rest of the world. Probably even more so. As a result, actors are cast in well-known, career-launching roles for the weirdest reasons.

As an example, keep scrolling…

12 Bizarre Ways Actors Landed Their Most-Famous Roles
Emma Watson frantically called J.K. Rowling on the phone before her audition. The author of the Harry Potter book series had always pictured Hermione

The Notebook

The director of The Notebook thought Ryan Gosling looked like a regular schlub. You might assume that Gosling gets movie roles thrown his way because

Pulp Fiction

Samuel L. Jackson scared the shit out of Pulp Fiction's producer while eating a tasty burger. When Jackson got word that another actor was heavily fav
John Roberts' YouTube videos imitating his mother got him the role of Linda Belcher on Bob's Burgers. Roberts made a series of videos that went viral

Mel Gibson

Mel Gibson inadvertently stole a role from his friend when he showed up to the Mad Max audition bruised and battered. FREAK The day before Gibson had

Tim Roth

Tim Roth thought he'd be crap during his Reservoir Dogs audition, So Quentin Tarantino got him drunk. Roth read the script for Tarantino's debut fil
12 Bizarre Ways Actors Landed Their Most-Famous Roles
Danny DeVito told the writers of Taxi that their script sucked. DeVito had only played a few small parts on TV and in movies when he was asked to audi

The French Connection

A hilarious case of mistaken identity got Fernando Rey a leading role in The French Connection. William Friedkin originally wanted to cast Francisco R

The Omen

The kid who played Damien in The Omen beat up the director. R.I.P. balls Donner's Richard Over the span of two days, director Richard Donner auditione
Wayne Knight's sweaty face made him perfect for Jurassic Park. Steven Spielberg cast Knight as the villain Dennis Nedry after seeing him in Basic Inst
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