21 Hilariously Cringeworthy Moments From Live TV Shows

Dear networks: Please never stop making live TV.
21 Hilariously Cringeworthy Moments From Live TV Shows

You know how those Weather Channel guys do a crazy walking against the wind thing, while bystanders stroll casually by in the background? That's the world of live TV, now. Between reality shows, news, and ongoing, live coverage, we're constantly bombarded with epic, hilarious moments.

Moments like:

21 Hilariously Cringeworthy Moments From Live TV Shows
21 Hilariously Cringeworthy Moments From Live TV Shows


21 Hilariously Cringeworthy Moments From Live TV Shows
Fortunately, Sarasota anchor HAYLEY WIELGUS was a good sport after a misplaced graphic briefly obd turned her rnron into a pig. PIGS RUNNING WILD abc

Erykah Badu

21 Hilariously Cringeworthy Moments From Live TV Shows
21 Hilariously Cringeworthy Moments From Live TV Shows
21 Hilariously Cringeworthy Moments From Live TV Shows
21 Hilariously Cringeworthy Moments From Live TV Shows
21 Hilariously Cringeworthy Moments From Live TV Shows
21 Hilariously Cringeworthy Moments From Live TV Shows
21 Hilariously Cringeworthy Moments From Live TV Shows
During the live broadcast talk show The View, Kelly Osbourne made a passionate speech denouncing Donald Trump's racist ideology: If you kick every La
21 Hilariously Cringeworthy Moments From Live TV Shows
21 Hilariously Cringeworthy Moments From Live TV Shows
21 Hilariously Cringeworthy Moments From Live TV Shows
21 Hilariously Cringeworthy Moments From Live TV Shows
21 Hilariously Cringeworthy Moments From Live TV Shows
21 Hilariously Cringeworthy Moments From Live TV Shows
This weatherman thought it was a great idea to compare the weather to Harvey Weinstein: KTLASNEWS E ATHER The weather is kind of like Harvey Weinstei
21 Hilariously Cringeworthy Moments From Live TV Shows

Katy Perry

21 Hilariously Cringeworthy Moments From Live TV Shows
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