19 Safety Items That Do Nothing To Make You Safer

Aside from making you feel a little safer, these safety measures do nothing.
19 Safety Items That Do Nothing To Make You Safer

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We're surrounded on all sides by features meant to keep us safer, healthier, and practically immortal. The thing is, sometimes those features don't actually do anything. Or worse, they actually make us less safe.

It's times like these that make you grateful that the placebo effect is a thing.

19 Safety Items That Do Nothing To Make You Safer


Because an airbag deploys sO fast, it can be as abrasive as sandpaper. An airbag pattern imprint on a driver's eye (a very mild case). A deployed airb
CRACKEDCO COM Viny! floatation devices are halles designed to keep your kids safe. Right? RIGHT! As long as they hold air. Studies show that ANY air f
Powdered disposable gloves can give you asthma, urticaria, or a fatal allergic reaction. The gloves are full of very harmful latex proteins, which sti
CRACKEDcO Smart baby monitors to prevent infant deaths by apnea have grown increasingly popular among parents. Heart Rate 156 VMimee Oxygertevel 9594
Think your prescription: drugs are secure in a medical lock box? Think again. Studies have shown that even the most expensive brands are easy to break
CRACKED.COM Airbags will save your life unless you're short. Airbags are tested with dummies that emulate a person who is about 5-foot-9 and 175 pound
You might think using a harness is the safest when traveling with your pet in a vehicle. BUT in a 2013 study, only ONE of the 7 harness brands passed
Supplements and vitamins advertised as immunity boosters are generally useless when they are not downright harmful. GRAUI Unless they fill the lack of
Night vision systems don't improve safety as drivers have to take their eyes off the road to look at a display in the dashboard. Trying to help the dr
If your electrical outlets have safety shutters! - the spring-loade mechanism that keeps everything out but plugs- - outlet covers will do more hamm
Speed cameras on highways should deter people from speeding up and getting into accidents, right? Not really, because they're not doing a very good jo
19 Safety Items That Do Nothing To Make You Safer
Most fire escapes have been rusting for decades, since nobody is maintaining them. They're close to collapse, and trying to use one to escape a fire w
Baby rear view safety mirrors can be a great way to monitor your baby while on the go. Just remember that the mirror becomes a projectile in case of a
Regular locks and padlocks can be picked even by a beginner lockpicker in minutes. A big, impressive lock just takes a while longer, and makes it look

Surveillance State

CRACKED Surveillance COM cameras make us safer, right? Really? Studies show they don't reduce crime significantly, because nobody is monitoring each c
Ipecac Syrup has long been used to induce vomiting when poison is swallowed. Since many poisons are more harmful coming up than going down, the Poison
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