13 Chemical Reactions That Look A Whole Lot Like Witchcraft

Everything around is chemicals. That thought you have in your head, the one that says “not true, I only eat food without chemicals!” Not only are those thoughts chemicals, them foods is chemicals, too. We don't think about the chemical makeup of things because otherwise we'd never get anything done. Chemicals just exist, reacting with each other, all the time.
You might think of chemistry as mind-numbingly boring. And yeah, nobody likes balancing equations. Repeat: nobody. BUT EVERYBODY likes dumping a beaker into a flask over a bunson burner and making things go boom. Or, at the very least, putting mentos in Diet Coke (outside, of course). Well hang onto your hat - we're about to show you things that make that stuff child's play. These reactions are nothing short of spectacular to look at, and on top of that they won't burn nasty holes in your stuff, stink up your room, or leave a gigantic mess you have to clean up.