12 Movie/TV Moments That Were Off The Cuff

An incredible amount of work goes on behind the scenes in movies and TV shows to create optimally memorable moments. There's a small army of people making sure that every detail is carefully planned and executed. But every now and then, all of that gets thrown out the window, and somebody literally pulls an iconic movie or TV scene out of thin air.
That's acting, we guess? Separating the truly gifted from those just reading the lines some coked-up writer scribbled for them are the actors who thumb their own coke-stained noses to the script and create indelible moments from seemingly nothing. It's the stuff of genius, and restores our faith in the profession, which can be pretty insufferable, honestly. These folks aren't just pretty faces or moderately-interesting faces that have some other quality that makes us want to watch them.
This is a salute to those on-the-fly geniuses who defied the rules of showbiz and just made stuff up.

Twin Peaks

Robert Downey Jr.

Parks and Recreation

Joe Pesci

Ben Stein