Rachel P.
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5 Famous People Who Blatantly Lied (And Barely Paid For It)
If you're good at lying, the world is an all-you-can-eat buffet respect, fame, and riches.
- Authors
- By Xavier Jackson, Nathan Kamal, Rachel P.
- Published
Mind-Blowing Celebrity Connections That Seem Impossible
Celebrities being friends is not unusual. What is, however, is how many celebrities from totally different fields (or even time periods) knew each other before they got famous.
- Authors
- By Rachel P.
- Published
6 Extremely Wrong (But Hilarious) Scientific Beliefs
Here's some stuff about orgasms and poop.
- Authors
- By Rachel P.
- Published
5 Extremely Wrong Things ‘Smart’ People Love To Say
Many of the 'superior' opinions you (or your annoying friends) hold turn out to be hilariously wrong when you look at the data.
- Authors
- By Chris Sutcliffe, Rachel P., Eamon Lahiri
- Published
4 Secretly Brilliant Details Of Art (You Mistook For Errors)
History is fraught with inexplicable artistic trends which seem silly to modern-day people. But if you look into it, sometimes there's are very good explanations for them.
- Authors
- By Rachel P.
- Published
Great Art With Bizarre Flaws You Never Noticed & Can't Unsee
Sometimes an artistic genius has a weak spot right in their chosen field, and we somehow all agree to overlook it.
- Authors
- By Abraham Mireles, Rachel P.
- Published
6 Simple-Looking Artworks That Were Really Tough To Pull Off
Art you picture as 'easy' requires mastering insanely complex techniques or, even worse, math.
- Authors
- By Rachel P.
- Published
6 Impressive Titles That Aren't As Impressive As You Think
Around 2,000 people are knighted every year, and not a single one of them won a jousting tourney.
- Authors
- By Rachel P., Lisa Olsen
- Published
6 Bizarre Wardrobe Life Hacks That Science Says Work
Clothing does more amazing things than just cover shameful torsos and pendulous genitals.
- Authors
- By Rachel P.
- Published
5 Iconic Symbols Designed To Have The Exact Opposite Meaning
Some of the most ubiquitous symbols in the world were originally created to represent the exact opposite of what they mean today.
- Authors
- By Rachel P.
- Published
5 Foreign Rules of Etiquette That America Desperately Needs
There's no sacred rulebook governing all of society. What's considered monocle-popping rude in one culture could be the height of courtesy in another.
- Authors
- By Rachel P.
- Published
5 Things You Won't Believe Can Brainwash You on Election Day
Nov. 4 is Election Day in America, and there's a good chance you'll wind up making your choice based on some stupid/trivial factors they're not even aware of.
- Authors
- By Dennis Hong, Teddem Yee, Rachel P.
- Published
6 Spectacularly Failed Attempts to Be Politically Correct
Here are a few public entities still working out the kinks on that whole decency thing.
- Authors
- By Rachel P., A.C. Grimes
- Published