Scott Elizabeth Baird
Along with Cracked, I have also written articles for Topless Robot, TopTenz and Dorkly. I can also be seen most days of the week on Screen Rant.
The middle name is a reference to the TV show "Bottom" you philistines!
I can be also be followed on twitter at - https://twitter.com/ScottEBaird
5 Ads That Tried To Be Sexy But Were Just Disturbing Instead
If there's anything we don't need 'sexified' it's the products we use to unclog our toilets after a night of Taco Bell.
- Authors
- By E. Reid Ross, Scott Elizabeth Baird, Mike Bedard, Ivan Farkas, E.M. Caris
- Published
5 Movies And Shows With Bizarre Influence IRL
The real world inspires our stories, not the other way around. Unless it is the other way around. And it is. So very, very often.
- Authors
- By Kyle Warnke, Micky McMichaelson, Scott Elizabeth Baird, Carel Vollgraaff
- Published
The Anne Frank Sex Doll And 5 Other Wisely-Cut Sex Scenes
Sometimes, the stuff the screenwriters originally came up with was so gloriously insane that it almost would have resulted in a different movie. A somewhat sexier, slightly longer, much wronger one.
- Authors
- By Scott Elizabeth Baird
- Published
5 Video Game Easter Eggs That Were Absurdly Hard To Find
Sometimes, game developers go way beyond 'a fun little secret,' and venture firmly into 'paranoid recluse hiding jars of his own urine' territory.
- Authors
- By Adam Koski, Scott Elizabeth Baird, Ed Stevens
- Published
10 Batshit Crazy Comic Panels We Couldn't Stop Laughing At
We thought it might be fun to take some of the most inexplicably shithouse crazy panels from comic book history and try to make sense of them through the eyes of someone who's completely unfamiliar with the context.
- Authors
- By Scott Elizabeth Baird
- Published
6 Viral Video Game Stunts That Were Just Sad For Everyone
Honestly, it shouldn't surprise you that some of the stunts used to promote games are stupid, desperate, and insane.
- Authors
- By Scott Elizabeth Baird
- Published
5 Famous Charity Songs That Were Insanely Harmful
What's the best thing you can do for a dying child? Bankrupt his charity, of course.
- Authors
- By Scott Elizabeth Baird
- Published
Famous Books With Filthy Sex Scenes (That Were Unfilmable)
First it starts out with a little self-fiddling next to a sleeping dragon, then things get weird from there.
- Authors
- By Scott Elizabeth Baird
- Published
5 Insane Examples Of Censorship Backfiring Hilariously
Censorship is a no-win situation.
- Authors
- By Scott Elizabeth Baird
- Published
5 Times A Celebrity's Kindness Made A Real-Life Impact
In times like these, it's good to remind ourselves that humans don't automatically use their fame and fortune to diabolical ends.
- Authors
- By Raoni Lacerda, Aaron Short, Scott Elizabeth Baird, E.M. Caris
- Published
The 5 Most Unbelievably Sexist Video Game Quests
Gaming has a bit of a sexism problem, but it's not just the obvious and superficial character stuff.
- Authors
- By Scott Elizabeth Baird
- Published
6 TV Spin-Off Story Lines That Ruined The Originals
Sometimes TV crossovers and spinoffs not only suck, they do it so hard they retroactively ruin the original.
- Authors
- By Scott Elizabeth Baird, JM McNab, Tara Marie
- Published
6 Famous People Who Did Creepy Things to Their Own Family
Without nepotism, the world would have never known the brilliant acting career of Jaden Smith and the enduring wit and music of Paris Hilton. Sometimes, though, nepotism should probably be avoided.
- Authors
- By Scott Elizabeth Baird
- Published
6 Video Game Easter Eggs Developers Didn't Want You to Find
Dedicate enough time to unlocking a game's secrets and you too could be scarred for life.
- Authors
- By Scott Elizabeth Baird
- Published
5 Bizarrely Perverted Products from Family Friendly Brands
It turns out some 'kid-safe' franchises were just waiting for an opportunity to betray decades of parental trust.
- Authors
- By Scott Elizabeth Baird
- Published
5 Famous Works That Were Just Half-Assed Copyright Abuses
Sometimes suck is a byproduct of honest effort gone bad, and sometimes suck is a direct result of cynical copyright shenanigans.
- Authors
- By Scott Elizabeth Baird
- Published
5 Insane Video Game Easter Eggs You Weren't Supposed to Find
Unlike those elitist chocolatiers, we believe Easter Eggs should be available year-round.
- Authors
- By Scott Elizabeth Baird
- Published
6 Unintentionally Hilarious Songs by Fictional Characters
Yes, these tracks are even more insane than you're expecting.
- Authors
- By Scott Elizabeth Baird
- Published