Nick Coffin
The 7 Most Unintentionally Creepy Places on the Internet
Seven websites that prove the internet can still make the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end
- Authors
- By Nick Coffin, Derek James
- Published
The Truth About The Epic Beard Man Viral Video
Back in February, a fight took place on a public bus in Oakland. A week later, four million people had watched the video on YouTube.
- Authors
- By Nick Coffin
- Published
The 19 Most Hilariously Failed Attempts at Sexy Album Covers
Not every musician is suitable for the role of sexy cover model. Somehow, music producers missed that fact.
- Authors
- By Nick Coffin
- Published
5 Things The Media Loves Pretending Are News
Can you blame a news outlet for using shortcuts and falling into the same old mistakes and cliches over and over again, just to fill space? Yes, absolutely.
- Authors
- By Nick Coffin
- Published