Vincent Pall
Well, I've watched the movie, _Blue Velvet_, over thirty times. It's *really* cool.
14 Insane Movie-Based Festivals That Are Insanely Popular
Get ready to appreciate the subtle nuances of Comic-Con.
- Authors
- By Vincent Pall, E. Reid Ross
- Published
5 Super-Adorable Animals That Can Kill The Hell Out Of You
The critters with plush fur, and big eyes, and cuddly widdle toes are on our side. Right? Ri- right?
- Authors
- By Vincent Pall, Alecia Chambers, Britni Patterson
- Published
5 Iconic Resistance Movements You're Picturing Exactly Wrong
History is riddled with intriguing and dramatic stories of resistance against tyranny and the fight for equality -- and also errors, accounts influenced by the author's bias, and outright lies.
- Authors
- By Vincent Pall, Steven Assarian, Adam Pilarski
- Published
8 Horrifying Moments From Classic Kids Cartoons
Because those who do not study the past are doomed to repeat it, here are some examples of some truly insane, child-ruining pieces of classic animation.
- Authors
- By Vincent Pall, Adam Koski
- Published
5 Old Children's Cartoons Way Darker Than Most Horror Movies
As it turns out, some of the most nightmarish cartoons predate even your grandparents/
- Authors
- By Vincent Pall, Dustin Koski, Jim Ciscell
- Published