Elsa Moriarty
Super White & Kinda Racist: 5 Realities Of Australia
What do you really know about the Australian outback? We spoke to someone who works there and this is what we learned.
- Authors
- By S Peter Davis, R. Jason Benson, Elsa Moriarty
- Published
The 6 Most Intriguing Stupid Questions Answered by Science
Does science waste time on frivolous experiments? Yep, but sometimes they pay off.
- Authors
- By Elorm Kojo Ntumy, Elsa Moriarty, Josh Hrala
- Published
5 Horrifying Details Hidden in Classic Children's Cartoons
Children's franchises like to put up a front that's all lollipops and rainbows, but scratch the surface and you find that those lollipops are produced by child slave labor, while all those rainbows are the offal resulting from a mass unicorn slaughter.
- Authors
- By Elsa Moriarty
- Published
6 Elaborate Science Experiments Done Just for the Hell of It
It turns out that a huge amount of the scientific research done in the world seems to be based entirely on shits and giggles.
- Authors
- By Elsa Moriarty
- Published
5 Military Weapons Clearly Designed by a 5-Year-Old
There's a pretty big difference between what works in a cartoon and what works in real life. But military generals and weapons designers both have an inner child who still likes to draw super awesome weapons on the back of a notebook.
- Authors
- By Elsa Moriarty
- Published
The 5 Most Bizarre Things People Have Done With Dead Bodies
There are all sorts of hilarious things you could do with a corpse, if only society didn't so strongly disapprove.
- Authors
- By Elsa Moriarty
- Published
6 Ways Japanese Wrestling Makes the WWE Look Sane
You can't get wrestling fans to tune in for a couple of guys pretend-fighting for an hour; you need to spice it up. In Japan, this is done with utter insanity.
- Authors
- By Elsa Moriarty
- Published
6 Terrifying New Creatures Science Just Discovered
While we at Cracked like to regularly terrify our readers with tales of all the frightening creatures we share the planet with, we should always keep one thing in mind: Nature is always finding ways to top itself.
- Authors
- By CRACKED Staff, Elsa Moriarty
- Published
The 6 Most Counterproductive PSAs of All Time
To public service announcement creators: The more tempting you make your subject matter appear, the more likely your PSA will fail.
- Authors
- By Elsa Moriarty
- Published