Matt Cowan
5 Crazy Movie Moments That Are Scientifically Accurate
Movies are mostly BS ... but not these ones.
- Authors
- By Matt Cowan
- Published
5 Times Studios Tried To Promote Movies (And Chaos Ensued)
It's easy to market a movie, right? There's not a lot of room for something to go horribly awry ... is there?
- Authors
- By Matt Cowan
- Published
6 Actors Who Used Real Pain And Grossness To Make Movies
Acting is easy.
- Authors
- By E.M. Caris, Matt Cowan, Andrea Meno
- Published
5 WTF Book Scenes Wisely Left Out Of The Movie Versions
Some books contained scenes so nonsensical, stupid, or dong-filled that filmmakers didn't even try to put them in their adaptations.
- Authors
- By Matt Cowan
- Published
6 Tiny Movie Moments That Took Insane Amounts Of Work
Movies are hard to make. The times movies put insane work into little things that nobody ever noticed? Who will cry for them?
- Authors
- By Matt Cowan
- Published
The 4 Most Underratedly Dark Scenes In Disney History
Much to Disney's chagrin, swelling the music and closing in on the comic relief doesn't necessarily mean 'happily ever after.'
- Authors
- By Matt Cowan
- Published
5 Ways Modern Disney Is Even More Sexist Than The Classics
Disney's latest female characters are strong, independent, and unique. Or ... are they?
- Authors
- By Vicki Veritas, Matt Cowan
- Published
4 Scenes From Books That Were Too F***ed Up For The Movie
Trigger Warning: There is some horrible stuff in this article which involves sex, violence, and babies. All at the same time.
- Authors
- By Matt Cowan
- Published
5 Poor Design Problems You Didn't Know Have Easy Fixes
The modern world is full of things that we take for granted, that we actually have the technology and know-how to make better. But we don't.
- Authors
- By Matt Cowan
- Published
6 Bizarre Assumptions Movies Make About Strong Women
Yeah, we are getting more "strong" women in movies, but there are some truly bizarre things writers just can't get past.
- Authors
- By Abraham Mireles, Tara Marie, Matt Cowan
- Published
6 Unintended Consequences Of Cartoon Character Design
Illustrators and animators don't usually take into account the weird side effects which would befall their creations if they were real.
- Authors
- By Matt Cowan
- Published
5 Modern Stories That Are Way More Religious Than You Think
Turns out there are some stories out their that slipped their religious subtexts under the radar so well you didn't realize it.
- Authors
- By Matt Cowan
- Published
5 Movies That Don't Get How Long Things Take
Gandalf's horse must've had some magical wizard powers as well.
- Authors
- By Tara Marie, Matt Cowan
- Published
12 Scenes That Prove Han Solo Could Use The Force
Han may or may not know it, but he can totally use the Force.
- Authors
- By AM Smiley, Matt Cowan
- Published
6 Movie Characters Whose Names Spoiled Huge Plot Twists
J.K. Rowling wasn't exactly subtle when it came to foreshadowing.
- Authors
- By Tara Marie, Matt Cowan
- Published
10 Movie Titles You Think Are Nonsense (And What They Mean)
Thankfully, you don't have to actually open 'The Revenant' to understand the title.
- Authors
- By AM Smiley, Matt Cowan
- Published
5 Banned CIA Torture Techniques Babies Use To Break You
No, I'm not kidding or exaggerating; these innocent, defenseless little creatures are guilty of one of a crime so bad that the U.N. had to get 136 countries to ratify a treaty to agree not to do it.
- Authors
- By Matt Cowan
- Published
5 Feel-Good Movie Lessons Undone By Their Own Plots
From the moment the film begins, Marlin has to deal with so much crap it's a miracle he doesn't strap Nemo to the anemone and keep watch 24/7.
- Authors
- By Matt Cowan
- Published
5 Dark Secrets You Never Noticed About Sesame Street
If you grew up with Sesame Street, you learned about a whole bunch of different disorders without even knowing it.
- Authors
- By Matt Cowan
- Published
6 Sidekicks Who Should Have Been The Leader
Sidekicks get a raw deal, which is a shame really, because for every Watson who humbly plays beer-bitch to the much superior Holmes, there are other sidekicks who should clearly be the ones doing the keg stand.
- Authors
- By Matt Cowan
- Published