Karl Smallwood
Yes, you can pitch and write a sequel to one of my articles, there's no need to send a message or anything, I don't come back here much so may not see it.
Have a nice day!
American Soldiers Would Sometimes Risk Their Lives For Ice Cream (VIDEO)
Jordan Breeding of Cracked and Karl Smallwood of Fact Fiend head back to World War II to discuss how freaking obsessed Americans are with ice cream, how nuts the British go for tea, and how nobody really likes carrots. It's a history lesson, kids.
- Authors
- By Karl Smallwood, Jordan Breeding
- Published
Iran Tried To Hide Will Ferrell's Crotch With CGI (VIDEO)
Jordan Breeding of Cracked and Karl Smallwood of Fact Fiend discuss Iran's government's clumsy, expensive attempts to protect its people from Will Ferrell's crotch. They also discuss other goofy censorship attempts and Rocket Launcher Jesus.
- Authors
- By Karl Smallwood, Jordan Breeding
- Published
The Wizard Of Oz Was Fueled By Meth And Everybody Hating "Somewhere Over The Rainbow" (VIDEO)
Wizard of Oz had everything from meth to forcing children to smoke cigarettes to a legitimately brilliant workaround to create one of the greatest practical effects of all time.
- Authors
- By Karl Smallwood, Jordan Breeding
- Published
Steve Carell Got '40-Year-Old Virgin' Shut Down By Looking Like A Serial Killer (VIDEO)
All they had to see was the biking scene to decide Steve Carell has definitely killed people.
- Authors
- By Karl Smallwood, Jordan Breeding
- Published
That Time A Famous Explorer Bombed Dr. Dolittle (VIDEO)
Famous explorer Ranulph Fiennes decided he didn’t like Dr. Doolittle... so he blew up the movie set.
- Authors
- By Karl Smallwood, Jordan Breeding
- Published
That Time Toy Story 2 Got Deleted Twice (VIDEO)
Accidentally deleting your movie once is bad enough but TWICE!?
- Authors
- By Karl Smallwood, Jordan Breeding
- Published
6 Small Scenes In Famous Movies That Were Insanely Hard To Film
Some seemingly-insignificant scenes can be such an immense pain in the balls that even the most hardened Hollywood hotshot would scream.
- Authors
- By Karl Smallwood
- Published
6 Bizarre Ways Companies Subliminally Screw With Stuff On TV
These days, broadcast TV is having to fight for ways to get more advertisements into your eyeballs, whether you like it or not. And things are starting to get weird.
- Authors
- By Karl Smallwood
- Published
6 Video Games That Put Insane Detail Into Stuff You Missed
The coolest details in your favorite games probably went completely unnoticed.
- Authors
- By Karl Smallwood, Ridley Davis, J. Wisniewski, Ed Stevens
- Published
6 Awesome Hacks That Did Mind-Blowing Things With Old Games
Taking old games and rebuilding them from the ground up in amazing new ways is a thing now and it is awesome.
- Authors
- By Karl Smallwood, Brandon Drake
- Published
The 5 Most Elaborately Hidden Video Game Easter Eggs
Some developers prefer to hide their secrets like you would hide your particularly shameful pornography.
- Authors
- By Karl Smallwood, Ed Stevens, Ivan Farkas
- Published
The 5 Most Insane Acts of Fan Dedication Ever
Sometimes people love things too much and it crosses the line from unchecked enthusiasm into unsettling obsession.
- Authors
- By Karl Smallwood, Robert Rosati, Sam Jackson
- Published
5 Mind-Blowing Ways People Mastered Famous Video Games
Video games are one of the most enduring wastes of time out there, but what happens when you master a game so thoroughly that it no longer poses a challenge?
- Authors
- By Karl Smallwood, Ed Stevens, Ryan Menezes
- Published
6 Games That Put Insane Detail Into Stuff You Didn't Notice
These are the amazing little flourishes that simultaneously wow us with their obsessive compulsion and provide a powerful rejoinder to the argument that soaring game budgets are both necessary and entirely justified.
- Authors
- By Karl Smallwood
- Published
5 Things Everyone Hates (Science Says You Secretly Enjoy)
Let's face it: Humans like to whine. But science has discovered that we've been frontin' the whole time.
- Authors
- By Karl Smallwood, Dennis Hong
- Published
6 Unassuming Animals That Are Secretly Immortal
It turns out some animals living in our world seem to be kicking death in the ass just by hanging around and doing what they do.
- Authors
- By Karl Smallwood, Sharilee Foertch
- Published
6 Spectacularly Bad Ideas Movies Convinced You Are Badass
The next time you're trapped in a building with German terrorists, remember that you'd be better off not trying to do any of these things.
- Authors
- By Adam Wears, Karl Smallwood
- Published
7 Amazing Movie Special Effects You Won't Believe Aren't CGI
It seems some directors will go to insane lengths to avoid using CGI, seemingly just so they can point at the screen during the premiere and say 'yeah, a real guy totally did that.'
- Authors
- By David Christopher Bell, Karl Smallwood
- Published
6 Inventors Who Changed the World and Got Screwed in Return
Some inventors get so little credit that we completely forgot about them, and since we really don't like angering the ghosts of people who could probably invent a way to punch us from beyond the grave, here they are.
- Authors
- By Karl Smallwood, Mike Floorwalker
- Published
6 Insane True Stories More Badass Than Any Action Movie
Movies are incredibly unrealistic when it comes to portraying everyday people defending themselves against crime. After all, when you look at real-life stories of self-defense, you realize their depictions are far, far too tame.
- Authors
- By Karl Smallwood
- Published