Emma Larkins
My debut scifi novel, Mechalarum, is now up on Amazon in ebook form! (Paperback coming soon).
6 Odd Things Doomsday Preppers Stockpile (That Make Sense)
Modern-day survivalists aren't generally regarded as the most sane people on the planet. But sometimes they get it right.
- Authors
- By Emma Larkins
- Published
4 Disney Kids Who Should Have Been Traumatized For Life
It's just plain weird to pretend that these abandoned, enslaved, psychologically tortured and abused children would all have enjoyed happy endings.
- Authors
- By Emma Larkins
- Published
6 Awesome Gaming Related Careers You Didn't Know Existed
The general public is (finally) starting to realize there's money to be made in video games, and that it's not an annoying, nerdy little thing that will go away if you punch it enough.
- Authors
- By Emma Larkins
- Published
7 Signs of Old Age That Hit Most People When They're Young
What can you expect to start fading away before people stop seeing you as a useless twentysomething?
- Authors
- By Emma Larkins
- Published
6 Reasons NYC Is the Most Overrated Vacation Destination
Instead of doing fun New York things, you'll want to do corny and ultimately boring nonsense, at which point you'll be disappointed.
- Authors
- By Emma Larkins
- Published
5 Movie Romances That Won't Last (According to Science)
Before you go getting all teary-eyed about the next movie romance you see, keep in mind that it probably is going to fail miserably.
- Authors
- By Emma Larkins
- Published