Dyl Moore
Quick fix-
5 Very Dumb 'Smart' Documentaries
Documentaries are trustworthy, right?
- Authors
- By Pauli Poisuo, Dyl Moore, E.M. Caris, Eamon Lahiri
- Published
12 Artists Who Hated Their Most Famous Creations
Just because you created something doesn’t mean you can’t violently hate it.
- Authors
- By Dyl Moore, Scott Laffey, Kevin King, Timon DJ Spajic
- Published
6 Animals That Get High More Than Humanity's Biggest Stoners
Yes, animals like to get just as recreationally wasted as us humans do. Sometimes, even more so.
- Authors
- By Dyl Moore, Cam Kesel, Javier Yepes, Laura H, Niko G
- Published
6 Hilarious Old-Timey Versions of Modern Vices
The next time someone gives you crap for doing one of the following, dig out the fuzzy black-and-white photos of their grandfathers doing the same.
- Authors
- By Raoni Lacerda, Adam Wears, Dyl Moore, Michael Dawson
- Published
5 Heroic Attempts to Do Good (That Backfired Horribly)
The cold, harsh reality is that sometimes doing the right thing doesn't necessarily pay off.
- Authors
- By Dyl Moore, Hillery Alley
- Published
5 Animals That Do The Exact Opposite Of What They're Supposed To
Some animals raise a middle finger (or claw, or tentacle) to stereotypes and flip our world upside down.
- Authors
- By Dyl Moore, Ed Stevens, Ryan Menezes, Sativa Savant
- Published
The 5 Most Absurd Uses of Product Placement Ever
Some shows go the extra mile when hawking for their sponsors, directly weaving them into the storyline with all the grace and subtlety of a drunken hippopotamus.
- Authors
- By Dyl Moore, Chan Teik Onn
- Published
5 Shocking Statistics That Prove Working in America Sucks
Turns out there is a whole lot to celebrate on Labor Day, actually.
- Authors
- By Dyl Moore
- Published
5 Famous People Who Succeeded Long After They Should've Quit
If you haven't found your calling by, say, age 30, it's pretty much hopeless, right? If you were going to make it, you'd have made it by now. Well ... maybe not.
- Authors
- By Simon Dufresne, Dyl Moore
- Published