David Huntsberger
Cracked Movie Club: The Thing
The year was 1982, and John Carpenter was white hot.
- Authors
- By David Huntsberger, Tom Reimann, David Christopher Bell
- Published
Why Planet 9 Isn't Going To Destroy All Life On Earth
If someone tells you Planet X will kill us all, check and see if they're wearing a tinfoil hat.
- Authors
- By David Huntsberger
- Published
Mind-Melting Theories About Consciousness And Your Soul
Where Western medicine ends is often the place where eye-rolling begins.
- Authors
- By David Huntsberger, Jack O'Brien
- Published
6 Objective Reasons Why Your Fear of Bacteria Is Irrational
While there's nothing wrong with the desire to be clean, we're probably being a little too paranoid about our creepy-crawly little friends.
- Authors
- By David Huntsberger
- Published