Calix Reneau
When CGI Won't Cut It: 6 Realities Of Being A Movie Monster
Doug Jones is one of the most famous actors you don't know.
- Authors
- By Mark Hill, Calix Reneau
- Published
5 Things I Learned In The World's Largest Ebola Outbreak
We spoke to Doug Woodhams, a Lieutenant Colonel in the Marine Corps reserves. He happened to be in Liberia when an Ebola outbreak occurred, and found himself at its epicenter.
- Authors
- By Robert Evans, Calix Reneau, Doug Woodhams
- Published
6 Horrifying Things You Learn as an Inmate on Death Row
Death row prison guards are often more psychotic than the inmates they're supposed to be guarding.
- Authors
- By Robert Evans, Luke T. Harrington, Nick Yarris, Calix Reneau
- Published