Brett Rader
Best Episode Ever: 30 Rock
You'd be hard pressed to find a half-hour comedy that packs more jokes into any single minute of television than 30 Rock.
- Authors
- By Brett Rader, Haley Mancini, Carmen Angelica
- Published
Best Episode Ever: Adventure Time
In 2010, Cartoon Network released Adventure Time, a show that would capture the imaginations of children and adult stoners alike.
- Authors
- By Brett Rader, Teresa Lee, Carmen Angelica
- Published
Best Episode Ever: Friends
Do you secretly 'ship Rachel and Joey?
- Authors
- By Katie Willert, Brett Rader, Carmen Angelica
- Published
10 Revolutionary TV Shows That Almost Happened
Remember the LOST pilot?
- Authors
- By Carmen Angelica, Brett Rader, Alex Schmidt
- Published
15 Myths & Urban Legends That Deserve Modern Horror Movies
Aside from a couple original standouts, horror movies seem to trot out the same 5 or 6 monsters/killers/haunted board games each year.
- Authors
- By Alex Schmidt, David Christopher Bell, Brett Rader
- Published
Which City Is The Number 1 Movie Setting Of All-Time?
New York. Paris. Tokyo. Miami.
- Authors
- By Michael Swaim, Cher Martinetti, Brett Rader, Alex Schmidt, Daniel Dockery
- Published
15 Real Science Stories That Would Make Great Sci-Fi Movies
If you're a movie fan in 2017, you're hard pressed to find many original sci-fi films.
- Authors
- By Michael Swaim, Alex Schmidt, Brett Rader
- Published
Thought Experiment: Living In a No-Internet World
All the hip young kids are using a thing called the internet these days.
- Authors
- By Kristi Harrison, Brett Rader, Abe Epperson, Alex Schmidt, Saundra Sorenson, Tom Reimann
- Published
In Defense Of The Millennial
The script is different but the wording is always roughly the same.
- Authors
- By Katie Goldin, J.F. Sargent, Brett Rader, Jack O'Brien
- Published
Advertising Tricks Big Companies Don't Want You To Know
We all know consciously to take advertising with a grain of salt.
- Authors
- By JM McNab, Jack O'Brien, Brett Rader, Carmen Angelica
- Published
Cracked's 2017 Fake Oscar Awards
Who can forget the classic Oscars showdown between 'The Artist' and, uh, 'Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close'?
- Authors
- By Adam Ganser, Jack O'Brien, David Christopher Bell, Brett Rader
- Published