T.W. Thinker
I like dogs.
Cats are okay.
The Disney Movie That Outright Promoted Bestiality
You know when you're trying to explain bestiality to children using stuffed animals and bananas and you think, 'There's got to be a better way?'
- Authors
- By T.W. Thinker
- Published
5 Insanely Important Jobs (We're Running Out Of People For)
We are running out of people for some especially vital jobs.
- Authors
- By Dwayne Hoover, Michael Garowee, T.W. Thinker, Eamon Lahiri
- Published
5 Bad Movies Fixed By Making The Lead Actors Trade Parts
There was a real missed opportunity not having Michael Clarke Duncan, the most underrated actor in film history, as the lead of 'Planet Of The Apes.'
- Authors
- By T.W. Thinker
- Published