Ricardo Rivera
5 Movies Based on True Stories (with Depressing Epilogues)
Real people don't simply stop existing after the credits roll, but when you find out what they did next, you'll probably wish they had.
- Authors
- By Ricardo Rivera
- Published
6 Things You Won't Believe Were Built by a Single Person
Sometimes unlimited imagination is paired with both inspiration and obsession, and this sexy three-way of abstract concepts gives us some truly awesome feats.
- Authors
- By Ricardo Rivera
- Published
The 5 Most Hilarious Actor Meltdowns Behind Famous Movies
Hollywood meltdowns make Chernobyl look like routine procedure.
- Authors
- By Ricardo Rivera
- Published
5 Heartwarming Stories to Restore Your Faith in Celebrities
We should stop every now and then and point out when celebrities do nice or even heroic things. Because it does happen.
- Authors
- By Ricardo Rivera
- Published
5 Insane True Stories That Prove Humans Can Survive Anything
There is no shortage of extraordinary tales of human endurance out there just waiting to be made into Oscar-baiting movie scripts.
- Authors
- By Jacopo della Quercia , Ricardo Rivera
- Published
The 6 Most Baffling Science Experiments Ever Funded
Scientists are only human, and some humans are just plain crazy. Which is why, on occasion, those serious old men in their fine white coats up and throw sense straight out the window.
- Authors
- By Ricardo Rivera
- Published