Eric Yosomono
6 Insane Real Police Responses to Clearly Fake Crimes
You literally cannot believe your eyes anymore. And someone needs to tell the authorities that.
- Authors
- By Eric Yosomono, Aaron Short, Ed Stevens, Aaron Granger
- Published
7 Great People With the Most Unfortunate Names Possible
We expect a cool guy to have an equally cool name. In real life, well, things don't always work out that way ...
- Authors
- By Eric Yosomono, Chris Berglund, Cathal McGuigan, Ed Stevens
- Published
9 Insane Animal Scenes You Won't Believe Aren't Photoshopped
We shouldn't be surprises and yet we are continually shocked by nature's shenanigans.
- Authors
- By Eric Yosomono
- Published
6 Impressive Works of Architecture in the Middle of Nowhere
This stuff has absolutely no business being in these places.
- Authors
- By Eric Yosomono, Robert Friedrich, Simone B.
- Published
11 Old War Photos You Won't Believe Aren't Fake (Part 2)
War is a wacky, bizarre kind of hell.
- Authors
- By Eric Yosomono
- Published
5 Unrealistic Movie Plot Twists That Really Happened IRL
Even stranger than when truth is stranger than fiction is when truth is exactly as strange as fiction, right down to the unfeasible little details that would make you roll your eyes and change the channel.
- Authors
- By Eric Yosomono, Rev. Les Crowley
- Published
5 Horrifying Places Real People Got Trapped and Forgotten
If you weren't claustrophobic already, this article might do it for you.
- Authors
- By Eric Yosomono, Ivan Farkas, Hillery Alley
- Published
5 Insanely Huge Things You Won't Believe Aren't Photoshopped
We're starting to get the feeling that every engineer's life goal is to make something really, really huge.
- Authors
- By Eric Yosomono
- Published
5 Survival Stories Too Miraculous to Be Real
Death will claim every one of us. But some of us don't go down so easily.
- Authors
- By Jacopo della Quercia , Eric Yosomono, Josh Hrala, Monstroso Yojimbo
- Published
5 Byproducts of Modern Life That Are Burying Us in Garbage
It seems that the never-ending cycle of human progress has a nasty side effect of constantly threatening to bury us all under a mountain of crap.
- Authors
- By Eric Yosomono, J. Wisniewski, Ivan Farkas, Hillery Alley
- Published
5 Badass People Who Stood Up to Infamous Dictators
These folks stared right into the eyes of heavily armed evil and slowly, purposefully, without ever breaking eye contact, raised both middle fingers.
- Authors
- By Pat Carnell, Eric Yosomono
- Published
6 Creepy Places Where Dead Bodies Just Lie Out in the Open
Why spend Halloween giggling your way through a haunted house full of plastic skeletons and fake corpses when you can go find the real thing?
- Authors
- By Eric Yosomono, Alfredo Marquez, R. Jason Benson, Ryan Menezes
- Published
5 Seemingly Harmless Groups That Wield Terrifying Power
The sinister organizations making society dance like puppets aren't the illuminati -- they're boring, ordinary groups gone mad with power.
- Authors
- By Eric Yosomono, Rev. Les Crowley, Gregory Myers, Ryan Menezes
- Published
6 Foreign Parenting Practices Americans Would Call Neglect
If you want to freak out a set of American parents, let them see some of the habits that are considered routine in other countries.
- Authors
- By Eric Yosomono, Rev. Les Crowley, Ryan Menezes
- Published
5 WTF Abandoned Wastelands You Won't Believe Exist
If Oscar the Grouch could buy a mansion, these would be at the top of the list.
- Authors
- By Richie Ryan, Eric Yosomono, Ryan Menezes
- Published
The 9 Most Hilarious Ways Criminals Were Caught
It turns out that criminals will throw the cops a bone and just hilariously bungle their way into prison.
- Authors
- By Amanda Mannen, Eric Yosomono, Elorm Kojo Ntumy, Andrew Munro
- Published
5 Stupid Juries That Prove the Justice System Is Broken
It's no surprise that this system goes wrong from time to time. It's just surprising how wrong it goes.
- Authors
- By Jeff Bennion, Eric Yosomono, Gregory Myers
- Published
6 Insanely Reckless Media Accusations That Ruined Lives
You would think the birth of the Information Age and greater access to instant fact checking would make cases like these more rare. You would be wrong.
- Authors
- By Alex Hanton, Eric Yosomono, N. Christie
- Published