
Dan Seitz

The vital points:

-- Filmmaker and grad student. Four feature films, some festival play, distribution deal for my fourth, not as impressive as it sounds.

-- If you'd like to read other funny stuff, check out Spike.com, my handle is Theta1138 over there.

Or you can check out my work on Uproxx.com, as a news correspondent and feature writer. Or my daily blogging at Gammasquad.com. Or maybe you'd like to read my random writings at WeirdWorm.com, or my writing about travel at Roadtickle.com. Or find me writing the occasional funny bit for Holytaco.com. And Funnycrave.com.

Also Screencrave.com. And Beatcrave.com. I also work on pranks for Zug.com Oh, and I occasionally write for other sites as well.

-- Any freelance inquiries can be directed to cinnatusc@yahoo.com

-- He is also a reasonably accomplished three-ball juggler. No, he will not perform at children's parties.

The 7 Most Heroic Con Artists of All Time

In a world full of bullshit artists trying to sell us things and get elected to office, let's take a moment to celebrate the good ones. These are the Oskar Schindler types, the guys with a talent for hustling who, when circumstances called, used their powers for good.


5 Things Hollywood Reuses More Than Plots

It's a depressing notion for aspiring actors that they'll likely not make it in Hollywood. It's an even more depressing notion that a scream has a longer list of acting credits than they ever will.


6 Real People Who Turned Their Homes Into Death Traps

If you need additional, outside precautionary measures to keep your family safe because the original "protection" you came up with involves shotguns hidden in cereal boxes and electrocuting microwaves, you've officially crossed a line.

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