Michael Hossey
6 Famous Writers Who Secretly Wrote Insane Pieces Of Trash
Every writer has one or two dark secrets lurking in a bottom desk drawer somewhere.
- Authors
- By Michael Hossey, Abraham Mireles, Tara Marie
- Published
7 Everyday Experiences Other Countries Do Waaay Differently
There's always that ONE country.
- Authors
- By Michael Hossey
- Published
7 Freaky Ways Your Body Can Flat Out Betray You
Here are seven real disorders that make your brain as reliable as a shady fake news site.
- Authors
- By Michael Hossey
- Published
6 WTF Challenges Soldiers Face (That You Won’t Believe)
Today's modern soldiers have to contend with things you never did when playing with G.I. Joes in your bedroom.
- Authors
- By Michael Hossey
- Published
7 International Crime Sprees (That Are Totally WTF But Real)
What's shocking isn't that these weird felonies exist, but the fact that somewhere in the world, they happen often enough to be considered trends.
- Authors
- By Michael Hossey
- Published
5 Ways Losing The Presidency Sucks Even More Than You Think
Running for president and then losing is the first step toward a life of soul-crushing misery and heartache.
- Authors
- By Michael Hossey
- Published
6 Amazing Inventions You're Being Denied For Stupid Reasons
There are some very basic things that are standing in the way of the sci-fi future we were promised.
- Authors
- By Michael Hossey
- Published
Parts Of The World You're Picturing Totally Wrong
Kalymykia is a Buddhist republic in Russia. You read that right.
- Authors
- By Michael Hossey
- Published
7 Insane Movie Scenes That Are Shockingly Common In Reality
If you find yourself being arrested for armed robbery, you can always blame it on someone else who was wearing a mask of your face.
- Authors
- By Michael Hossey
- Published
7 WTF Ways Seemingly Innocent Companies Screw Their Workers
There are so many serious injuries sustained at Ashley Furniture that we wouldn't be surprised if the head office was running an Amputee Pool.
- Authors
- By Michael Hossey
- Published
8 Hilariously Offensive Artworks Featuring Famous Presidents
WARNING: This article gets increasingly deranged as it advances. Cracked is not responsible for your psychologist bills.
- Authors
- By Michael Hossey
- Published
7 Insane Problems We'll Have To Deal With In The Future
Our near-future will be filled with annoyances that will make us yearn for an ape and/or machine uprising.
- Authors
- By Michael Hossey
- Published
The 6 Most Badass Secret Spy Missions America Got Away With
Sometimes stealing a helicopter is as simple as swooping in at night and taking it while no one is looking. Seriously.
- Authors
- By Michael Hossey
- Published
7 Ways Restaurants Screw You Over (With Science)
Everything from where you sit to the fake smells restaurants throw your way are making a damn fool out you.
- Authors
- By Michael Hossey
- Published
6 Shady Ways The Media Makes Millennials Look Like Idiots
Look, folks, portraying the youth of today as Archie and Jughead hopped up on The Weeknd and emojis isn't going to make the world a less stupid place.
- Authors
- By Michael Hossey
- Published
6 Famous Films That Were Hell Behind The Scenes
Really, these visionaries were committing crimes against humanity.
- Authors
- By Michael Hossey
- Published
The 13 Worst Celebrity Halloween Costumes Ever Made
The masquerade merchants of the Internet have been putting all their elbow grease into their celebrity costumes this October. So let us behold their cornucopia of head-turning disguises.
- Authors
- By Michael Hossey
- Published
6 True Stories That Prove Local News Is Creepy As Hell
Pick up any small-town newspaper and you'll see a special section reserved for stuff straight out of a bad episode of 'X-Files.'
- Authors
- By Michael Hossey
- Published
8 Real Ad Campaigns Straight Out Of The Bowels Of Hell
Like all of us, even the savviest of Don Drapers will sometimes just plain ol' shit the bed.
- Authors
- By Michael Hossey
- Published
6 Insane Military Training Techniques Designed To Break You
Military training techniques vary a lot from country to country: Some are insanely elaborate, some are insanely cruel, and some are fine just being plain old insane.
- Authors
- By Michael Hossey
- Published