Sergei Korolev
Studying medicine.
5 US Government Screw-Ups That Are Funny Yet Terrifying
You at least assume that Susan, the FBI agent watching you through your webcam, is good at her job. How much scarier would it be if she were an idiot?
- Authors
- By Sergei Korolev
- Published
The 5 Most Creatively Bizarre Military Units In History
War is terrible, but our popular culture is obsessed with it for a reason -- the history of warfare is full of great, weird stories.
- Authors
- By Sergei Korolev
- Published
6 Evil WW2 Plots That Were Actually Pursued By The Good Guys
It turns out the Allies could be just as deranged as the Axis when it came to thinking of ways to win the war, and no one gives them enough credit for that.
- Authors
- By Sergei Korolev
- Published
5 Eerie Conspiracies Theorists Were Right About All Along
Every once in awhile, what may look like a stupid conspiracy theory turns out to be something that very much happened.
- Authors
- By Jacopo della Quercia , Sergei Korolev
- Published
8 More Unrealistic Versions Of Movies That Really Happened
By age 30, William McGovern had two doctorates spoke anywhere between 12 and 17 languages, and had spent time exploring the heck out of our planet in ways that should have gotten him killed several times over.
- Authors
- By Stuart Alden, Sergei Korolev
- Published
The 5 Dumbest Space Travel Conspiracy Theories (Are True)
It's clear that the United States was anticipating a future full of space battles and daring snatch-and-grab operations.
- Authors
- By Sergei Korolev
- Published
6 Insane Things About Space Travel That Movies Got Right
When Hollywood sets out to write up a good old-fashioned space adventure, it often just rips real scenes from the pages of history -- it really is hard to top them.
- Authors
- By Sergei Korolev
- Published
The 6 Most Insane Things Ever Done With Nuclear Weapons
Unwilling to let all of this civilization-ending technology go to waste, we've come up with some novel and incredibly unwise uses for nuclear weapons.
- Authors
- By Sergei Korolev
- Published
5 Apocalyptic Chain Reactions (That Have Already Started)
If you like the fact that you're able to read this article on your smartphone, congratulations -- you and your damn space debris will kill us all.
- Authors
- By Sergei Korolev
- Published