Xavier Jackson
5 Famous People Who Blatantly Lied (And Barely Paid For It)
If you're good at lying, the world is an all-you-can-eat buffet respect, fame, and riches.
- Authors
- By Xavier Jackson, Nathan Kamal, Rachel P.
- Published
7 Times History Went Straight Slapstick
History is sometimes written by the winners and other times written by coked-out sitcom writers desperate to finish a scene.
- Authors
- By Xavier Jackson, Alexander Pan, Jordan Breeding, Mike Turner
- Published
Crazy Secret Places Hidden In The Middle Of Famous Locations
One Times Square rakes in $23 million a year, despite having zero tenants.
- Authors
- By Xavier Jackson
- Published
6 Successful Celebrities (Who Sucked At Everything Else)
Tom Cruise very nearly became synonymous with a religion known for worshiping a magical man in the sky and covering up child sex.
- Authors
- By Xavier Jackson, Lizzie Butler
- Published
The 5 Stupidest Reasons Countries Have Changed Their Borders
Border disputes sometimes barrel past boring ol' war and keep going right on into Crazytown.
- Authors
- By Xavier Jackson, Zachary Frey, Rob Rose
- Published
5 Soldiers Who Beat Insane Odds (By Lying Their Ass Off)
Time and time again, small, ridiculously outnumbered forces have gleefully bluffed their way to victory in situations that should have left them as stains on the battlefield.
- Authors
- By Xavier Jackson, Mark H.
- Published
The 5 Goofiest Pranks Ever Pulled (In The Middle of Wars)
What, you didn't know that pulling off hilariously childish shenanigans was an integral part of military service?
- Authors
- By Xavier Jackson
- Published
5 Barbaric Practices That Are More Modern Than You Think
Things we assume were left in the distant past have a way of lingering on, decades or centuries longer than you'd have thought.
- Authors
- By Xavier Jackson, Evan V. Symon , Aaron Granger
- Published
5 Real People With Mind-Blowing Mutant Superpowers (Part 3)
These select groups of gifted individuals, whether they were born better than us or simply became so over time, have abilities that make them stronger, keener, faster ... and probably totally smug about it, too.
- Authors
- By Xavier Jackson, Dennis Fulton, Carmen Burana
- Published
5 Slapstick Failures by Modern Military Commanders
More often than you'd think, circumstances conspire to put the fate of the world into the hands of people you wouldn't trust with a Risk board.
- Authors
- By Jacopo della Quercia , Alex Hanton, Xavier Jackson, Kyle Stevens
- Published
5 Two-Man Teams Who Took on Whole Armies (And Won)
As awful as war is, it has a way of bonding people. We'd imagine that goes double for these guys, who found themselves having to pretty much fight battles themselves.
- Authors
- By Xavier Jackson, Jorden Weir
- Published
5 Enormous Modern Ghost Towns You Won't Believe Exist
There are bad investments, and there are these: billion-dollar projects that entire governments just got bored of and abandoned, leaving around some pretty cool post-apocalyptic playsets
- Authors
- By Xavier Jackson
- Published
6 Badass 'Modern' Weapons (Are Way Older Than You Think)
It turns out that a lot of the stuff that defines the modern battlefield has been around in some form for a lot longer than we think, thanks to murderous geniuses who were decades or centuries ahead of their time.
- Authors
- By Adam Wears, Xavier Jackson, Steve Shapiro
- Published
6 Insane Schemes Attempted at the Dawn of Space Travel
- Authors
- By Xavier Jackson, Evan V. Symon , Ivan Farkas
- Published
5 Ways U.S. Democracy Is More Rigged Than You Think
It turns out the craziest, most overtly bullshit political practices are perfectly legal.
- Authors
- By Nathan Blumenthal, Xavier Jackson
- Published
6 Cartoonishly Simple Battle Plans That Worked
The best plan is the stupidest most unintended one, apparently.
- Authors
- By Xavier Jackson
- Published
The 6 Most Famous People Ever Discovered While Hiding
Some people grind it out to get where they are. Others just happen on it all by dumb luck.
- Authors
- By Xavier Jackson, Evan V. Symon
- Published
The 6 Most Hilariously Petty Abuses of Military Power
We're all for goofing around at work -- our entire business model is based on it. But when that workplace is the military, you'd hope there wouldn't be people running around doing dumbass things.
- Authors
- By Xavier Jackson
- Published