Saundra Sorenson
I'm an editor at Cracked, mostly Personal Experiences.
I can be reached at saundra.sorenson@cracked.com.
6 Things You Learn Trying To Meet A 'Sugar Daddy' Online
While it is illegal to charge money for sex in most states, you can definitely command a fee for your company ... and all that might entail.
- Authors
- By Saundra Sorenson
- Published
Tabloids Insist A Brain Injury Turned Me Into A Dominatrix
Alissa Afonina is internet-famous today as the woman who won a huge lawsuit after a car accident turned her into a dominatrix.
- Authors
- By Anonymous, Saundra Sorenson
- Published
I Have Sex While I'm Sleeping And I Can't Control It
Sexsomnia is totally recognized by the International Classification of Sleep Disorders.
- Authors
- By Anonymous, Saundra Sorenson
- Published
Facebook Wants All Your Nudes (To Prevent Revenge Porn)
One in 25 Americans has experienced (or been threatened with) revenge porn. Now Facebook is stepping up to offer us the tools to fight it.
- Authors
- By Tim Hawkman, Saundra Sorenson
- Published
4 Shocking Reasons Veterinarians Have A Huge Risk Of Suicide
Veterinarians kill themselves at four times the rate of the general population -- that's twice as likely to commit suicide as dentists and other medical practitioners.
- Authors
- By Saundra Sorenson
- Published
It Happens Here: The Reality of Female Genital Mutilation
Warning: This article may lead to some broken monitors and mobile devices.
- Authors
- By Saundra Sorenson
- Published
Surprising Insider Realities Of Being Trans In The Military
'When [Trump] said they're a disruption ... he is the one who is disrupting the morale and combat effectiveness of our services by basically throwing away 15,000 very trained, highly capable warriors.
- Authors
- By Robert Evans, Saundra Sorenson
- Published
What Happens When Your Money Is Suddenly Worthless?
What happens when your country's entire economy is destroyed overnight? We spoke to two people who lived that nightmare.
- Authors
- By Saundra Sorenson
- Published
Thought Experiment: Living In a No-Internet World
All the hip young kids are using a thing called the internet these days.
- Authors
- By Kristi Harrison, Brett Rader, Abe Epperson, Alex Schmidt, Saundra Sorenson, Tom Reimann
- Published
6 Scary Realities Of Working With Actual Psychopaths
While 'psychopath' has become our catch-all for 'dangerously crazy,' it's a lot more complicated than that.
- Authors
- By Saundra Sorenson
- Published
What It's Like To Live In A Modern-Day Dystopia
Sometime around when Donald Trump started winning state primaries a year ago, the national mood went from,
- Authors
- By Jack O'Brien, Alex Schmidt, Saundra Sorenson
- Published
4 Reasons Why Oscar Voting Is Dumb, Explained By A Voter
What actually goes into deciding who deserves an Oscar? We talked to a verified Academy member to see how this exclusive electorate operates.
- Authors
- By Robert Evans, Evan V. Symon , Saundra Sorenson
- Published
You Heard Us Called 'Death Panels' (Here's The Truth)
It turns out all those bad guys in shows like 'House' aren't actually bad guys.
- Authors
- By Saundra Sorenson
- Published
5 Disturbing Things I Learned Working At A Suicide Hotline
Even the world of suicide crisis assistance has its weird and wacky underbelly.
- Authors
- By Amanda Mannen, Saundra Sorenson
- Published
There's A Public Shaming Industry (And It Held Me Hostage)
Trying to get rid of online mugshots is a nightmarish -- and expensive -- task which requires dealing with some truly sleazy people.
- Authors
- By Anonymous, Saundra Sorenson
- Published
How To Find Anyone: 5 Lessons From Serving People Papers
We spoke to three people who, in essence, deliver the worst possible news to what are often dangerous people in desperate circumstances.
- Authors
- By Saundra Sorenson
- Published
5 Realities Of Life When You Know You're Going To Die
It's easy to forget that once cancer reaches a certain stage it's not a matter of if, but when.
- Authors
- By Anonymous, Saundra Sorenson
- Published
My Parents Paid A Rehab Camp To Abuse Me: 5 Dark Realities
A closer look at these unaccredited, live-in facilities where teens are forced to attend for reasons ranging anywhere from 'thinks new stepdad sucks' to serious addictions and mental illnesses.
- Authors
- By Anonymous, Saundra Sorenson
- Published
4 Reasons Flint's Water Crisis Is Worse Than You Think
The incompetence and lying behind the scenes that led to the lead-laced water poisoning thousands of people is as staggering as it is terrifying.
- Authors
- By Anonymous, Saundra Sorenson
- Published