Raoni Lacerda
International Man of Awesome.
You can follow me on Twitter here: https://twitter.com/Rao_Neo
6 Companies That Tried To Boost Productivity In Soul-Crushing Ways
Capitalism demands a profit.
- Authors
- By Raoni Lacerda, E. Reid Ross, Steven Assarian, James Kinneen
- Published
5 Famous Games Inspired By The Most Absolutely Random Things
In some cases, the source material is so random you'd have to be a maniac to guess it.
- Authors
- By Raoni Lacerda, Ed Stevens
- Published
5 Modern Day Treasures That Got Saved In The Craziest Ways
There are belts in your closet that are older than these archeological marvels.
- Authors
- By Raoni Lacerda, Pauli Poisuo, Andrea Meno, Tee Ngin Rui
- Published
5 Gamers Who Put Heroic Effort Into The Dumbest Challenges
Gaming isn't just about aggressively wasting time ... except when it is.
- Authors
- By Raoni Lacerda, Tiago Svn
- Published
5 Foreign Reality Shows That Put American Ones To Shame
These foreign shows put our reality TV shows to shame -- if they had any shame to begin with.
- Authors
- By Raoni Lacerda, E. Reid Ross, Tiago Svn, E.M. Caris
- Published
5 Little Mistakes That Had Unexpectedly Huge Consequences
To err is human -- but so is burning down your house.
- Authors
- By Raoni Lacerda, Pauli Poisuo, E. Reid Ross, V.R. Craft, Kigo Simons, Tee Ngin Rui
- Published
5 Famous Geniuses And Their Super Embarrassing Early Works
Even the best minds mankind has ever encountered behaved like hormonal idiots when they were young.
- Authors
- By Raoni Lacerda, Peter I. Santiago
- Published
5 Con Artists Who Ended Up Saving The World
Every so often, some lying jerk uses the power of scams for a greater good.
- Authors
- By Raoni Lacerda, Alex Hanton, Abraham Mireles, E.M. Caris, Justin Krez, Leah Malicoat
- Published
5 Beyond-Insane Video Games From Otherwise Normal Companies
Some of the gaming industry's biggest wigs have some seriously weird side projects buried in their closets.
- Authors
- By Raoni Lacerda
- Published
6 Ways To Beat Game Bosses That The Designers Didn’t Intend
It turns out a lot of these tough bastards can be easily defeated by tricks so stupidly unthinkable that they often remained hidden for years.
- Authors
- By Raoni Lacerda, Tiago Svn, Ed Stevens
- Published
5 Video Game Easter Eggs That You’ll Wish We Never Found
It turns out our escape from the nightmares of the world are teaming with their own lurking terrors.
- Authors
- By Raoni Lacerda, Jordan Huie
- Published
5 Glitches Way Creepier Than Any Video Game Is On Purpose
Video games not working so great is probably the most terrifying thing of all.
- Authors
- By Raoni Lacerda, M. Asher Cantrell, Ed Stevens
- Published
6 Videogames Where You Get To Commit War Crimes (And Worse!)
Sometimes, the worst virtual war crimes are committed by our so-called 'heroes.'
- Authors
- By Raoni Lacerda, Sam Wellborn
- Published
5 Movies That Were Filmed In Literally Unbelievable Ways
Let's take a moment to celebrate the projects that only got made because the filmmakers went a little crazy.
- Authors
- By Raoni Lacerda, T.D. Woodward, Adam Koski, Mitch Anderson
- Published
Brilliant Glitches That (Accidentally) Satirize Video Games
Like a doctor having to invent a whole new procedure to get a Pokemon-shaped vibrator out of your butt, sometimes glitches end up being the best part of the game.
- Authors
- By Raoni Lacerda, Adam Koski
- Published
The 7 Most Accidentally Horrifying Children's Characters
Creating a children's character should be a relatively straightforward process. Until you freebase bath salts.
- Authors
- By Raoni Lacerda
- Published
Accidental Game Glitches Funnier Than Most Intentional Jokes
Warning: There's a lot of peeing in this article.
- Authors
- By Raoni Lacerda
- Published
5 Classic Movies With Way Better Insane Foreign Ripoffs
The 'Expendables' is ripoff wall-to-wall karate and machine guns and has virtually no interest in linking events together with a narrative.
- Authors
- By Raoni Lacerda
- Published
Inception Is A Prequel To The Matrix ... No, Seriously
A unified 'Inception'/'Matrix' connection makes a lot more sense than you think.
- Authors
- By Raoni Lacerda
- Published
6 Bizarrely R-Rated Easter Eggs In Wildly Unsexy Video Games
It doesn't matter if a game is set in deep space or in the sky over a WWII battlefield -- man always finds a way to sneak in dicks and boobs.
- Authors
- By Raoni Lacerda
- Published