Micky McMichaelson
5 Movies And Shows With Bizarre Influence IRL
The real world inspires our stories, not the other way around. Unless it is the other way around. And it is. So very, very often.
- Authors
- By Kyle Warnke, Micky McMichaelson, Scott Elizabeth Baird, Carel Vollgraaff
- Published
7 True Crimes Solved By Twists Too Ridiculous For Network TV
Sometimes a lawbreaker executes a crime so flawlessly that you literally have to be Sherlock to solve it.
- Authors
- By Micky McMichaelson
- Published
Attempts To Sneak Tiny Crimes That Set Off Biblical Disaster
We've all come up with at least one clever scheme that's gone wrong. But none of them have gone murderously wrong.
- Authors
- By Micky McMichaelson
- Published
Famous Characters That (Originally) Were Meant To Die Horribly
Whether it's through persistence, greed, circumstance, or plain dumb luck, some iconic characters have managed to survive their own creators' best attempts to waste them.
- Authors
- By Micky McMichaelson
- Published
7 Famous People Who Secretly Have Shockingly Bad Resumes
Creating anything is hit and miss -- for every amazing work, that same artist likely has ten pieces of crap that they'd happily see blasted into the Sun.
- Authors
- By Micky McMichaelson
- Published
9 Famous Movies That Have Cooler Titles in Foreign Countries
Translating titles isn't as easy as it looks, and sometimes the results are hilariously amazing.
- Authors
- By Micky McMichaelson
- Published